Just how much do these new processors help?


Jun 14, 2004
I got a 6800 GT recently. Amazing card, overclocks well past Ultra speeds with ease. However, I'm running a 2.4B P4 at stock speeds. I figured since they're only up to 3.4 I wouldn't be seeing scores too much lower....ha. What's with these new processors that pushes them so far ahead? Seriously debating upgrading my processor/MB as well now. Think its worth it?
Why not consider overclocking? That CPU seems ripe for the picking. You are willing to overclock the GPU but not the CPU? Seems rather "silly" to me.

Maybe you can't overclock you CPU, or maybe you do not know how... still... it is free (If you can).

Doesn't like it? I got my 2.4 up to 3.4 no voltage bumps just a little memory tweaking. If you can get it up to 3Ghz I wouldn't even worry about a upgrade yet. If your stuck at 2.4 yes a upgrade is in order because your being severally limited by your CPU. I know i've seen a few reviews that compare different CPUs with the same video card but hell if I can remember where.