Just got an NV silencer

Nov 21, 2003
Hey guys just got an NV silencer for what looks like a geforce 4200... Im not sure because its my buddy's, and his fan died, so im trying to take off the stock fan to put the NV silencer 5 on. How would i go about doing this?
We need to know for sure what vid-card (and which NV Silencer you have) to ensure compatibility.

Arctic Cooling should have downloadable or viewable instructions on their website, though the cooler should have come with them too.


EDIT: I just reread - if it's an NV Silencer 5, it wasn't meant to be compatible with a Geforce 4200. The NV Silencer 1 was designed for Geforce 4 models.

Oh my buddy tossed the box and he didnt read what it was compatible with, so i had no clue. Thanks guys, ill tell him to try to return or sell it and to get the nv1