Just got an email from EVGA...


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 13, 2002
Looks like they are trying to ramp up their folding team, and are offering free stuff as prizes for those that join. Also they're offering free stuff for certain milestones...

The temptation is great but I'll hold off for now... I would hate to think what that team will do when the Nvidia GPU client hits though.

...I would hate to think what that team will do when the Nvidia GPU client hits though.

I don't know, about what Team Rage3d did when the GPU client came out, or what 2CPU did when the SMP client came out? :D

I don't know, about what Team Rage3d did when the GPU client came out, or what 2CPU did when the SMP client came out? :D

Did they have phat lewt though? I wasn't around for the other two so I can't say, but I would wager EVGA has more pull that 2cpu and would be at least equal to Rage 3d. I'm not sure if the message was sent to just the forum members, or everyone that's registered their card.
Why join any other team when we are already #1 ? :p

They are not hard so they had to bribe people to join :D

On second thought, their top member has 103,606 points. I doubt they will threaten us any time soon.
Did they have phat lewt though? I wasn't around for the other two so I can't say, but I would wager EVGA has more pull that 2cpu and would be at least equal to Rage 3d. I'm not sure if the message was sent to just the forum members, or everyone that's registered their card.

Probably forum members, I didn't get any emails. But it has been a LONG time since I've registered anything.

They are not [H]. And there is no way they can have the same community that we have.

I'll pass.


I know they will grow...... but right now.... I do 1/2 their weekly points :rolleyes:

If they can get more people folding, more power to them. It's
all for the same cause. Me, I'm sticking with the mighty [H]orde!

Fold on.

If it helps the cause, great.

But the thing is, asking gamers to use their GPU's for things other than gaming is probably not going to work out so well......but who knows..

Anyhow, no way I'll ever be lured away from the [H]orde with bribes and gifts.... nor for any other reason:)

Fold On!!!!

Welp, I don't know if I got an email or not, it's really not that important to me. Any email from them may have been deleted in my bulk or spam box. :rolleyes:

There's no reason in the world I can think of to leave IMO the best folding team in the freakin' world (the Internet) :D

GO [H]orde leave the amateurs in the dust :p

Edit: It's really [H]ard to be humble when you're #1 ;)

so i could like move over my machines for a month and probably reach all the milestones lol

free stuff! yay lol

na thats ok, i helped out a few teams before under different names before, i still have some boxes out there folding for other names/teams... too much work moving over machines anymore so i just leave them be, its all the same science anyway
They didn't announce it in the email, so I don't know. Low end would be a case sticker, high end would be a video card, but it will probably be somewhere in between.
I could understand how these incentives might drive enrollment for their team. It's an interesting idea that might foster brand loyalty for the company's products in the future. I know that their Step-Up Program has been successful from the consumer's perspective judging by the posts I've read in the video forum. No question EVGA as a company is innovative when it comes to marketing, and their products are generally good.
