Just for the record.....XBOX 360


Sep 20, 2005
out of the 24 units my compusa store had, 12, yes, 12 units have been returned DEFECTIVE, i tested them all, some were overheating, some had burning smells, and some had disk read errors...way to go microsoft.....
Xbox 360 crashing....LOL

Microsoft spends millions on marketing, pennies on testing and quality control. :)
God I'm so glad I don't like XBOX, never have never will.


Most console launches are marred with initial problems. Remember the PS2 chewing up discs? You are going to have defective units. The question isn't if, at this point it is how many and will we see widespread issues?
IceWind said:
Go away troll
Excuse me? Phew I thought I could have an opinion here, guess not! I am just trying to inject some humor here, no need to call me a troll, bad form!

Keep the posting prevalent to the topic please. That was a crap if I have ever seen one. ;)

Man i hate america..
way to go USA & Pres. Bush...

YoungC55 said:
Black screen of death? Man they really need to stop running consoles on Windows kernals... lol



"Xbox 360 Crashing Like Mad?
Jsgongwon, one of our forum members, reported that his newly bought Xbox 360 keeps crashing while playing Project Gotham Racing 3 in single player mode.
He's playing with the default settings, and apparently his Xbox crashes even before the end of the first lap. Crashes on Xbox Live and on startup occur too. He included screenshots of the crashed Xbox 360 (see below - more pictures on flickr.com) and a video of the crash here(9MB) (mirror: here(2MB XviD))
A quick look on our forums (more, more and more) seems to indicate he's not the only one. Several of our members seems to get crashing 360s. It doesn't seem to be related to a specific game, as we get reports of the Xbox 360 crashing with several games. And it's not all the same Error-number either (E79, E74, E64, real crashes, ...).
I quickly checked over at TeamXbox and they also have a large thread and poll about defective Xbox 360s.
It's a bit early to guess what's exactly going on here (software, hardware, heat problem, 'user errors', ...) or how big the issue really is. We'll report back when we have more. If you have issues with your Xbox 360 too, report it! "

Rich Tate said:
Keep the posting prevalent to the topic please. That was a crap if I have ever seen one. ;)
Thats cool, sorry to ruffle the feathers. I wonder if we'll ever know just how many of the total units had to be repaired/rma? I don't want to sound like a arse, I really feel for you guys that spent hard money and more importantly TIME on getting a unit just to have issues with them. God I'd hate to see how children are handling these issues, I know xbox has always been an "older" kids game, but truth be told really young kids are getting them too! I can only imagine the pissed off parents that are storming into the stores, have you seen that happen Andross182?

freeloader1969 said:
Actually I read somewhere that the majority of buyers are in their late 20's, early 30's. :)
True, but look at my nephew he's 12 and he would give up puberty to get a 360! He didnt get one and it sucks because he's so bummed that he has to wait until Feb to get one (unless I am mistaken). Regardless I think your right, it's slanted towards 20's-30's. Maybe the 35 year old dork who still lives at home had his dad go into a best buy and give someone a piece of his mind? Ah maybe not.
They must be pissed about their $600+ investment overheating and freezing, then.
Well, all these young buyers might just deal with it like i dealt with my NES not working when I was 4...By punching and kicking it. That might just void the warranty though.
When I called BestBuy today to see if going through Microsoft to get it fixed would void the PRP I bought, he said I was the first person to have a problem with theirs, and that it wouldn't void my replacement plan.

However I was on hold for 30 minutes before my phone cut out trying to contact Microsoft about it. So apparently they are underemployed on the support side as well, or just have an extraordinary number of failures.

Somewhat related, you have to be freaking houdini to put all that stuff back in the box!
What I find interesting about this is that everybody expected the original xbox to just absolutely suck, remember? It was pretty much universally accepted that the xbox would be a worthless POS, and it turned out to be rock solid. But now it looks like MS has brought xobx QA under the same division that does their software QA. Ironic.
Erasmus354 said:
Somewhat related, you have to be freaking houdini to put all that stuff back in the box!

No shit, this is so true of every electronic device. If the warranty requires that everything is packed as it was originally they should freakin include instructions on how to package the damn things up.

Inevitably my attempts always end up in a buldge with tape or some other material stopping the parts from exploding outwards.
you see.. I have an xbox 360.

I set it up standing straight up, since there are air holes on both the bottom and top, so now the air can flow, that is why you can stand it up in the first place.

I am guessing here, but I bet many people with overheating issues are laying down thier 360s and stacking them on top of other electronical devices that generate heat too.

no overheating problems for me.
Well, that does suck about the over heating problem. I dont know anybody that is having that problem, at least I dont think so. I'd sure glad I didn't buy an xbox yet though, I'll wait until they are more available and stable. ;)

And I wouldn't think you'd have to stand it up just to stop it from over heating, it was designed to be either way. Besides I'm sure microsoft did pleanty of tests on it before they decided to ship the system.. I bet its just some manufacturing defects or something.
Rich Tate said:
Most console launches are marred with initial problems. Remember the PS2 chewing up discs? You are going to have defective units. The question isn't if, at this point it is how many and will we see widespread issues?

Actually at this point, quite a few. Got a small story on my site about, has quite a few links. I actually think HardOCP should have something interesting to say about this soon, as consumer-oriented as you guys are.
its funny, a kid was actually crying because we didnt have any other 360s to exchange his broken one for, he camped out since we closed the night before...im so glad i didnt buy one...yet ;)
shaun said:
Actually at this point, quite a few. Got a small story on my site about, has quite a few links. I actually think HardOCP should have something interesting to say about this soon, as consumer-oriented as you guys are.

Believe me, if there are widespread issues, we will cover it. You just have to look at the amount of units in circulation versus the amount of problem. To get a good idea of whats going on you'll need some time to see how things shake out. It could be possible we will see more failure as a week or two passes.

Stay tuned. Kyle, Steve, Chuck and myself will of course stay on top of it, and let you guys know of any pressing issues that may or may not arise. :)
Rich Tate said:
Believe me, if there are widespread issues, we will cover it. You just have to look at the amount of units in circulation versus the amount of problem. To get a good idea of whats going on you'll need some time to see how things shake out. It could be possible we will see more failure as a week or two passes.

Stay tuned. Kyle, Steve, Chuck and myself will of course stay on top of it, and let you guys know of any pressing issues that may or may not arise. :)
Do you have any idea when they're going to be popping the 65nm XBox360's out? Chances are I'll wait until around then.
Gotta love it when people are stupid enough to plop down $400+ just to participate in a Microsoft Beta program.

Anyone with common sense about hardware knows that you dont buy something like that, in its' first revision at a premium pricepoint, and expect it to be 100% perfect.
nullvector said:
Gotta love it when people are stupid enough to plop down $400+ just to participate in a Microsoft Beta program.

Anyone with common sense about hardware knows that you dont buy something like that, in its' first revision at a premium pricepoint, and expect it to be 100% perfect.
I kind of agree, and I kind of don't. I mean firstly, I would think a company as big as Microsoft would have taken the time to beta test it themselves. It was widely said that they rushed it and even moreso that a lot of games weren't finished until just prior to launch.

It's a simple matter of marketing. Microsoft could sell ice water to a drowning eskimo, but where marketing is their strong point, delivering seems to be their weak point. I simply say I expected a lot more.
shaun said:
Do you have any idea when they're going to be popping the 65nm XBox360's out? Chances are I'll wait until around then.

I haven't heard anything about it yet. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not privvy to any information out of press releases.

I would imagine though that you can expect some time to go by before you see any major revision changes. That is of course unless we see some major issues with the console itself that may require some sort of a change. Even then I would expect it to be a minor correction.

From what I have been reading, and gathering from the rumor mill, I would expect no major changes until the PS3 is near launch. Then you will probably see something major and even a price drop.

Keep in mind everything is speculation until we hear it from the mouth of MS. :)
Rich Tate said:
Most console launches are marred with initial problems. Remember the PS2 chewing up discs? You are going to have defective units. The question isn't if, at this point it is how many and will we see widespread issues?

You definately have that right as it is just going to happen when something brand new hits the market. I just thank God that my xbox has been perfect so far. The ambient temperature of the room its in is not going much above 60, so who knows once I turn my heater on. I guess i'm having so much fun gaming, that i'm not noticing that it's freezing in this room.

I'm hoping that these are isolated occurances that are happening with certain production batches. Having been one of those people who waited in line 11 hours, I feel so sorry for those people as I would be devastated if it happened to me.

As far as the Xbox haters out there go, it's amazing how they love to cheer when they hear bad news. This is a good time for Xbox fans as we will have had our consoles for probably a year when the next batch of next gen consoles finally hit the market.
nullvector said:
Gotta love it when people are stupid enough to plop down $400+ just to participate in a Microsoft Beta program.

Anyone with common sense about hardware knows that you dont buy something like that, in its' first revision at a premium pricepoint, and expect it to be 100% perfect.

You frickin haters just couldn't resist, could you? Why call those of us who made this choice stupid? If you are enthusiastic enough about a given product, you will take the risk. Also, the xbox has been out for only a couple days and you think you can make assumptions like this already? We havn't even had enough time to find out whether it's isolated, or widespread.
junehhan said:
You definately have that right as it is just going to happen when something brand new hits the market. I just thank God that my xbox has been perfect so far. The ambient temperature of the room its in is not going much above 60, so who knows once I turn my heater on. I guess i'm having so much fun gaming, that i'm not noticing that it's freezing in this room.

I'm hoping that these are isolated occurances that are happening with certain production batches. Having been one of those people who waited in line 11 hours, I feel so sorry for those people as I would be devastated if it happened to me.

As far as the Xbox haters out there go, it's amazing how they love to cheer when they hear bad news. This is a good time for Xbox fans as we will have had our consoles for probably a year when the next batch of next gen consoles finally hit the market.
I haven't seen any collected data to prove this, but some seem to think a number of the malfunctioning consoles were built some time period in October. Like I said, I haven't seen any data collected on this at all, so I have no clue.

EDIT: I have since seen a number of other posts that blows this idea out of the water, so I guess its pretty much random at the moment as to why its occuring.
junehhan said:
As far as the Xbox haters out there go, it's amazing how they love to cheer when they hear bad news. This is a good time for Xbox fans as we will have had our consoles for probably a year when the next batch of next gen consoles finally hit the market.

Everyone has their preferred equipment. There are some us though, that have to remain neutral to do their job. :)

I didn't buy an Xbox 1, because it had nothing I wanted to play. But hey, if the 360 gets my type of titles, I'm all for it.

I'm a technology fan-boy, not a brand one. :)
Yeah right, deep down you're a Sony fan-boy, admit it! ;)

And before you ban me, yes I'm joking :p
You know what this looks like?

MS Exec 1: Okay, they're ready.
MS Exec 2: How's the quality testing coming?
MS Exec 1: The what?

XBox fan: My new XBox360 broke!

MS Exec 1 & 2: *glare*
shaun said:
Yeah right, deep down you're a Sony fan-boy, admit it! ;)


I do have a PS2 for two reasons. Metal Gear and Final Fantasy. Granted I play alot of other stuff. I love GT and GTA III and Vice City. I love wrestling games and even occasionally play Madden. I also have a GC because I love Metroid, Mario and Zelda. The Xbox only offered me Forza and Ninja Gaiden, which wasn't enough for me to pick one up. I knew with the PS2 and GC I would be pretty much guarenteed more titles to play. With the Xbox I got two that REALLY interested me.

Now one of the past FF developers is doing a title for the 360. That has got me excited. That alone could push me to an Xbox. PGR3 looks awesome and in this round you already have the devs on board. It isn't like the first run when devs were inking the contracts after the console was out on the market.

Now conversely Steve loves the Xbox. We're probably day and night in this example. Where I am more PS2 he is more Xbox.

Its all about your preference as a gamer. I have never been the type to bash something just because it didn't appeal to ME personally. That type of objectivity is what allows you to do my job. :)
Slartibartfast said:
What I find interesting about this is that everybody expected the original xbox to just absolutely suck, remember? It was pretty much universally accepted that the xbox would be a worthless POS, and it turned out to be rock solid. But now it looks like MS has brought xobx QA under the same division that does their software QA. Ironic.

You never owned a 1st gen XBOX did you?
The disk drives went through 3 vendors.
Also most of all the Xbox (it's not only them) games had serious glitches!
Sega and Nintendo are the only companies that know how to make solid hardware, imo. It's too bad Sega's out of that game :(
Slartibartfast said:
What I find interesting about this is that everybody expected the original xbox to just absolutely suck, remember? It was pretty much universally accepted that the xbox would be a worthless POS, and it turned out to be rock solid. But now it looks like MS has brought xobx QA under the same division that does their software QA. Ironic.

The XBOX 1.0 I think it was had a piece of crap DVD ROM drive that was really guarenteed to give disc read errors and eventually die happened to both myself and a friend, he now swears never to buy another launch production and it seem like he made a smart decision. My launch day Dreamcast now that was solid.
Funniest thing here is I'm perfectly happy with my first gen XBox. It's really dusty but it still works every time I play it.
I had bought a used Xbox from a friend who bought it on launch day. Never had a problem with it, even as I went to trade it in at Gamestop.

The summer before this, we (FusionGC, that is) held a Halo tournament to raise funds. I believe about 4 out of some 12 Xboxes burned out during this.

While we won't know for a while what's going on with these problems, I wonder how many problems with the Xbox360 are related to abuse... That's not to say they should last for ten minutes and die, but the whole idea of stacking these horizontally on top of sound equipment, which puts out quite a bit of heat on its own, makes me wonder. Aren't all the Xbox 360 consoles in their kiosks stood up vertically?