Just beat Portal 2 = WoW /Spoilers


[H]F Junkie
Jul 26, 2005
I realize everyone is getting tired of the hate threads so here's one of pure joy.

Portal 2 is fucking amazing. I just beat it a couple minutes ago. I'm still reeling. I bought it on Wednesday and really struggled to put it down. The puzzles were brain crushing and the acting was great. Man, the moon that was a holy shit moment ala Half-life 1's cascade scene. I actually got kinda teary-eyed at the cave johnson ending and that whole song by the turrets would have fit right in the Cowboy Bebop Soundtrack next to "Green Bird". Heven't even started the co-op yet. feel free to invite = piscian18.

It's weird though. Portal 2 has zero shooting, Minimal story, Graphics from 2005, and yet it might as well get be GOTY especially on PC. I might be a bit biased. The last game I finished was Bioshock 2 who's depth and quality could fit in a thimble. It's disappointing to think I've got a long wait until another game comes along who's developers actually seem to give a shit about the experience as a whole and have the balls to break the 4th wall and actually try to put you in the story. I should note I played it in surround which kinda draws you in more. I wish more games supported that..

TLDR = Portal 2 is probably the only game worth a damn so far this year.

Deus Ex: HR and Dark Souls are 2 other games that are worth a damn this year.

But you're right, Portal 2 is amazing from start to finish and I loved playing co-op with my friends. Proves that graphics aren't EVERYTHING, the only thing that's important is that the game is a good solid piece.
Think DE:HR is worthwhile on the PC? I picked up RAGE, but got a refund and have been interested in Deus Ex.
Think DE:HR is worthwhile on the PC? I picked up RAGE, but got a refund and have been interested in Deus Ex.

More than worth it, it's definitely a GOTY contender.

Games i'd consider "worth it" this year

Dark Souls
Witcher 2
Deus Ex: HR
Portal 2
It's funny how ever since World of Warcraft came out, people have started to say "WoW" instead of "Wow" when talking about something amazing.
It's funny how ever since World of Warcraft came out, people have started to say "WoW" instead of "Wow" when talking about something amazing.

haha exactly, i clicked on this thread to see how Portal 2 = World of Warcraft :p
Only complaint with portal 2 shares it with the first portal. To damn short! Lol, beat it in 3 hours and was left wanting more lol
Haven't played it, but looking forwards to doing so. From what I've heard, it is short, but if you beat it in 3 hours you must've been racing through it. Slow down and enjoy the scenery. :p
More than worth it, it's definitely a GOTY contender.

Games i'd consider "worth it" this year

Second that on Deus EX HR. It is no shitty console port. It is a full PC game that also has a console version. The interface is well suited to PC play, there are plenty of options for video and so on, it looks great (except the facial animation, they used shitty middleware for that) and most importantly it is fun as hell. I've already beat it twice and I might play it again here soon.

A bargain at $50... and you can often find it for less.
Haven't played it, but looking forwards to doing so. From what I've heard, it is short, but if you beat it in 3 hours you must've been racing through it. Slow down and enjoy the scenery. :p

It took me between 8-12 hours. Everybody I know has said the same. I know I'm gonna get raped for saying this but if someone's beating it in three hours they'd have to already know all the puzzle answers imo and speed running it.
Brain crushing puzzles? Portal 2 is one of the easiest games I've ever played. The first one was WAY WAY more challenging. The basically tell you exactly what to do in every room. The narrative was great... game play was shit.
Brain crushing puzzles? Portal 2 is one of the easiest games I've ever played. The first one was WAY WAY more challenging. The basically tell you exactly what to do in every room. The narrative was great... game play was shit.
I believe the team said the game testers felt the more challenging puzzles were getting in the way of the story. So they decided to cut those out and release them later after everyone finished the game. Personally, I didn't mind the easy puzzles. I just wanted to get back into those corridors and hear the crazy rants.
Today I just beat Portal 2 for the second time. It was good fun the second time through as well.

Brain crushing puzzles? Portal 2 is one of the easiest games I've ever played. The first one was WAY WAY more challenging. The basically tell you exactly what to do in every room. The narrative was great... game play was shit.

The first portal is a lot easier than the second IMHO. I say this after replaying both games within the last week or two (each for the second time).
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Second that on Deus EX HR. It is no shitty console port. It is a full PC game that also has a console version. The interface is well suited to PC play, there are plenty of options for video and so on, it looks great (except the facial animation, they used shitty middleware for that) and most importantly it is fun as hell. I've already beat it twice and I might play it again here soon.

A bargain at $50... and you can often find it for less.

I bought it for $35

there's a HotDeal on the game in the [H]otDeals section, $33 I believe.

It's Steamworks so all you need is the CD key
Deus ex HR was indeed awesome. Took me 13 hours to down that game. And that was with doing all the side quests offered. I didnt venture off Too much to look for more side quests but next time I will. I thought the hacking was really fun and the stealth was an interesting but challenging way to play. Portal 2 Was also an amazing game. I think it deserves GOTY for sure.
The first portal is a lot easier than the second IMHO. I say this after replaying both games within the last week or two (each for the second time).
The first game is easy once you know the solutions to the puzzles. I had a lot more difficulty figuring out some of the later puzzles my first time through then I had with any of the puzzles in Portal 2.
It took me between 8-12 hours. Everybody I know has said the same. I know I'm gonna get raped for saying this but if someone's beating it in three hours they'd have to already know all the puzzle answers imo and speed running it.

I enjoyed the game very much, not my fault the puzzles were pretty easy. Only 1 level stumped me and I blame that on it being 4am lol. Loved the story but the puzzles in portal 2 were not nearly as hard as the first portal and even the first one was pretty easy (few levels did get me good in that one though).

Had no reason to speed run, was getting into the swing of nights for a week of 12 hour night shifts so i was staying up all night playing video games for 3 days lol. Have 5 hours total played in portal 2 and 1-2 hour sof that was achievment hunting :p
The first game is easy once you know the solutions to the puzzles. I had a lot more difficulty figuring out some of the later puzzles my first time through then I had with any of the puzzles in Portal 2.

In Portal 2, I found myself standing in elevators longer than I was in the puzzle rooms.
The biggest difference with Portal 1 and 2 to me is that Portal 1 had relatively more puzzles which required "timing" and "platforming" skills. This is even compared to the coop mode of Portal 2.
Stephen Merchant totally made Portal 2 for me. I can't believe they got him on board and he really pulled out every stop voice acting wise. Just a great original character.

I have to say Portal 2 is an experience I'll remember for years to come. If more PC games followed that kind of originality , this industry would be far better off.
Portal 2 was the usual high quality I expect from valve albeit wrapped in fairly mediocre last gen graphics.

The one major problem was that I completed the single player in a little over 4 hours and with no interest in coop and little to no re-playability, the full price point was about 3x too expensive for this title.
In Portal 2, I found myself standing in elevators longer than I was in the puzzle rooms.
This. But for some reason, I never hesitated to keep on playing. Can't say the same about Crysis 2, and Rage.

Portal 2 was the usual high quality I expect from valve albeit wrapped in fairly mediocre last gen graphics.
It's definitely time for a new graphics engine. But you probably didn't spend too much time thinking about how dated the engine is, right? It still looked good in my opinion.

The one major problem was that I completed the single player in a little over 4 hours and with no interest in coop and little to no re-playability, the full price point was about 3x too expensive for this title.
Definitely agree with this. I thought I would be co-oping it up with some friends, but it never happened.
It's definitely time for a new graphics engine. But you probably didn't spend too much time thinking about how dated the engine is, right? It still looked good in my opinion.
I only thought about the engine every time I got on an elevator because I knew it was another loading screen. If they can fix the constant "loading" (even thought extremely short load times) then Portal 3 will be awesome. I'd prefer tougher puzzles, too.

But, agreed. Portal 2 is wonderful. Not PC (but we aren't in the subforum) but Infamous 2 was also good. DE:HR was well worth my $28.
I finally got around to playing coop with a friend this weekend, it's a lot of fun. Highly recommended :)
I finally got around to playing coop with a friend this weekend, it's a lot of fun. Highly recommended :)

Snap, just finished that and am getting withdrawal symptoms! Fantastic game that had me hooked from the start and is one of those games where it's like 'just one more level.....ok....just one more' and hours later your still playing.
I didn't like it much. The puzzles required no active brain cells, quick thinking, or precise aiming. At least 50% of the game time is spent in elevators or on catwalks that you can't deviate from. There are huge vistas that you can't explore even though you have the portal gun. There were a few humorous parts but I felt that they faded quickly.
if you havnt played coop you're missing out. it is the best part of portals 2.
I loved the narration by whats his name. Nutty scientist guy.

It turns out moon rocks are highly poisonous!

If I had to choose based on what I had the most fun with it would be Portal 2. No analysis, no technical jargon. Just what was most fun for me.
While fun, Portal 2 =/= Half life 3

Picked it up when it was on sale for $15. Your thread makes me look forward to playing through it.

I'm really bad at buying stuff on steam sales and never getting around to playing them but Valve games are more a kin to movies you're a part of. It engulfed me and I couldn't put it down until it was done. God when wheatley...


That said I actually never really enjoyed either L4D game. I think to get most out of those games you need 3 dedicated friends which I don'...nvm I said anything :(