Joining Team Ukraine to show support.

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Dec 14, 2018
Hi everyone in the DC community.

We over at XtemeSystems are about to join the Ukraine team on some of their BOINC projects in order to try and propel them to the leaderboards on some of the projects they're running.

This can be one of the ways some of us are able to show support for the Ukraine team that we are behind them in their Country's fight against the disgraceful and unprovoked invasion by Vladimir Putin.

Here is there BOINC project team list:

Feel free to join any project they have a team on. Maybe by doing this others will notice and join us as well. It's a small act in the realm of reality of what is happening, but something to show support at least.

Thanks for any support and if anyone has accounts on other forums, please feel free to post a thread there as well to gather support.

(If this is out of line or anything then the mods can delete or whatever.)

Thank you,
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I feel that DC is about everyone around the world from whatever countries or backgrounds they come from participating in something for the greater good for all.

Even If I were to agree with your assessment of the situation in Ukraine, what does that have to do with DC?
Do you think the average team Russia user is at fault for what is going on over there? You mention non-Russian backed projects like they should be avoided? How are those scientists and users / crunchers in any way complicit?

I just don't feel like we need to bring politics into DC threads and I can't imagine how this is helpful to the DC community as a whole trying to divide it based on your beliefs.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.
Agreed and wasn't meant to be or taken as anything political, and don't see where any beliefs were stated...just a token of support for Ukraine. If someone thinks this is political then that's on them and their beliefs.

So let's not turn it into anything political. Keep that for the other part of the Forum.
I wasn't aware supporting Ukraine was political but maybe I need to venture more to other parts of the forum. Either way, switched over on Primegrid. Once tour de primes is over I'll switch over to higher PPD sub projects. If you guys decide on a CPU project to run for Ukraine let everybody know.

anything mentioning ukraine/russia right now is political and i really dont get the point of this. cant dc away a war...
While I have zero interest in a debate about it I will clarify the reason for my statement. OP used the the word "unprovoked" which is clearly a political opinion.
anything mentioning ukraine/russia right now is political and i really dont get the point of this. cant dc away a war...
People just try to control what they can control and it's a very minor gesture of showing solidarity with people who just had their country involved in military action. Not really much else people can do other than this and send money to hope it goes to the right places. Regardless of politics I think most people would agree it's pretty unfortunate living in Kiev right now, so I think XS was just trying to do what they could to show some solidarity.

While I have zero interest in a debate about it I will clarify the reason for my statement. OP used the the word "unprovoked" which is clearly a political opinion.
Makes sense. My reasoning for switching over is that the people of Ukraine, not their government, our government, etc., would be the most likely ones to see any BOINC members switch over. I think everybody can agree, like I said above, that living in Kiev would be pretty unfortunate right now. Maybe seeing a BOINC milestone helps at least one person's day.

Like you said though, I have no interest in debating it, so this will be my last post on it :) I just figured I'd do the unthinkable and bump a bluestang post :ROFLMAO: :LOL: :ROFLMAO:
It's not about POLITICS it about caring for humanity and that is what DC is all about! Right?

This isn't even about the amount of points you contribute or positions taken,
but the action that it shows!
The more members from outside Ukraine joining "National Team of Ukraine"
From around the World joining, That matters,
It represents community support.
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