Joining a Windows 2k3 domain


Jul 27, 2002
I have two Windows XP Pro computers that I want to join to a Windows 2k3 server domain. I created computer and user accounts for both machines, however, the problem I am seeing is that I am getting a default desktop when the user logs onto the domain from the XP Pro machines. Both machines were able to succesfully join.

Disclaimer, I am totally new to this, I have never administered a domain before. How do I make the local accounts on the XP Pro machines work with the domain controller? For example, I want both machines to work just as they are now standalone(retaining desktop wallpaper, settings, icons, etc), but joined to the domain.
Did you actually join the computers to the Domain? Thats the first step and you don't have to manually create the computer accounts in the domain first. The only thing that buys you is the ability to put it in the OU you want it in when it is joined.
Not sure what your asking here but if if you want the domain profiles to have the same settings as the previous local profile settings then either manually move over the folders (favorites, mydocuments, localsettings,etc..) or you can use teh built in utility. System properties, advanced, user profiles, then migrate over using the Copy To button.

Any time you login to a xp computer, whether it's on the domain or workgroup locally, you will create a folder in Documents and Settings that maintains the local settings. Desktop, favorites and the like. Any time you logon for the first time your going to get the default user profile settings, which you can alter if you want by editing the Default User profile in Document and Settings. If your talking about roaming profiles that is another issue entirely. Perhaps define what your problem is exactly and you'll get more specific replies.
BBA said:
Did you actually join the computers to the Domain? Thats the first step and you don't have to manually create the computer accounts in the domain first. The only thing that buys you is the ability to put it in the OU you want it in when it is joined.

You can move the computers to a new OU pretty easily anyway.

ktwebb said:
Not sure what your asking here but if if you want the domain profiles to have the same settings as the previous local profile settings then either manually move over the folders (favorites, mydocuments, localsettings,etc..) or you can use teh built in utility. System properties, advanced, user profiles, then migrate over using the Copy To button.

Any time you login to a xp computer, whether it's on the domain or workgroup locally, you will create a folder in Documents and Settings that maintains the local settings. Desktop, favorites and the like. Any time you logon for the first time your going to get the default user profile settings, which you can alter if you want by editing the Default User profile in Document and Settings. If your talking about roaming profiles that is another issue entirely. Perhaps define what your problem is exactly and you'll get more specific replies.

That's the hard way. The easy way is to setup a profile the way you want them all to be. Then log out and then log back onto the machine with a different account. This secondary account or must have administrative priveledges. You can also log onto the machine as administrator and do this. (This assumes you have created at least one other administrative level account for daily use which you SHOULD do anyway as that is the best practice) Now right click on my computer, (or do this from the start menu, it doesn't matter) and hit properties. Then go to the advanced tab and then go to user profiles. Select the profile you want to use and then click "copy to" and then browse for the default user profile under documents and settings\default user. Then under "permitted to use" click the change button. Select everyone and then click ok and then ok one more time. It will ask you if you really want to do this and you should click yes.

After that, any new accounts you log onto that machine with will have the same desktop and profile settings. Any account profiles on the system from before you did this will have do be deleted in order for them to get the new settings.

Everytime a new domain account logs onto one of the machines setup as I have outlined above, a profile will be created mostly based on the default user profile. That's basically all there is to it.
Dan_D said:
Select everyone and then click ok and then ok one more time.

Microsoft would recommend using "Authenticated Users" instead of "Everyone".