John Romero Talks About OUYA Android Console

I don't know how many times I heard "Apple this" "iOS that" in that video. What's going on recently with people speaking out against new stuff in the industry?
Ouya is as relevant as John Romero. We still have to see how this ouya does in retail. Isn't this due out in like 2014 too? We will have ps4/infinity/next Gen here and current Gen consoles will be around $100 to boot (PS3 slim 16gb/core 360), if so I'd rather not buy this device for $100 at retail.
Ouya is as relevant as John Romero. We still have to see how this ouya does in retail. Isn't this due out in like 2014 too? We will have ps4/infinity/next Gen here and current Gen consoles will be around $100 to boot (PS3 slim 16gb/core 360), if so I'd rather not buy this device for $100 at retail.

AFAIK, its due next year, with the first "preorders" being in March. Still beyond that, the device will serve a different purpose than that of the current consoles.
Anyway--I will never forget this--out of the half-dozen or so major game publishing and developing houses I called about it--every single one of them recommended the Amiga over the Apple. It was unanimous. Not too long after buying my first Amiga the reasons for their recommendations became crystal clear...;) The Apple wasn't in the same league. Really sad how things worked out. C= had the technology, but Apple wound up with the business acumen.

Apple has generally been 2nd-rate when it comes to performance. In one way, being 2nd-rate helped it succeed. Back in the 1980s, Apple's inferiority protected it from being dismissed as a game machine, while Atari and Amiga computers were.

Now comes John Romero pushing the iPhone as serious gaming hardware. It sounds like he spent a lifetime smoking crack. I'd like to see him play Doom with an iPhone as a controller. And, would he trust teenage boys to play Doom on a TV with the iPhone as a controller.

Apple does know how to market. But, Apple was never the biggest company in desktop computers. Their modern success is due to itunes, iphone, and ipad. And, with their patent trolling, it sounds like they're not betting on anything after the ipad. But, John Romero is already in love with Apple's next big product, which hasn't shipped yet.
who is john romero, and when was the last time he went to the barber ?

Wikipedia said:
Alfonso John Romero (born October 28, 1967, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S.) is a director, designer, programmer, and developer in the video game industry. He is best known as a co-founder of id Software and was a designer for many of their games, including Wolfenstein 3D, Dangerous Dave, Doom and Quake. His game designs and development tools, along with new programming techniques created and implemented by id Software's lead programmer John D. Carmack, led to a mass popularization of the first person shooter, or FPS, in the 1990s. He is credited with coining the FPS multiplayer term "deathmatch".

Probably a very long time on your second question :D
Whatever :mad: That's a great idea (for Apple)...when your console breaks your WHOLE TV has to be replaced! It's the Apple way ;)

Further, the repair (if you're dumb enough bother to ask for one) will cost more than replacing the whole TV cause they glued it all together to avoid using screws. Screw holes are ugly, people don't like them.
I have to say I can't find any of John Romero's points to be wrong. Though I will say his ideology is. Yes Apple TV already does this, and Apple's app store makes more money compared to Android. Android does allow for piracy compared to iPhone which needs to be jailbroken. Android doesn't even need to be rooted.

He is missing a big picture here though. Android is now bigger then iPhone, and a lot of people do pirate on their iOS devices. It's merely a choice that Apple owners don't pirate.

What developers want is a platform where they don't have to worry about piracy, but to do this customers have to be locked into the app store. With all the issues being raised with Windows 8, who's to say this system will last? At some point even Apple maybe forced to allow other sources of software to be installed.

Point is adapt or die. If micro transactions and advertisements make the big bucks then you have even more incentive to make better games right? See, crappy games get sold and developers couldn't care if the game gets played after the sale. So the consumer could end up with crap. At least with this system, to make your money you'll really need to have a good game. Otherwise they won't last long enough to see those advertisements. :D

Did he crimp his hair? :confused:
I want to see Romero get out from under the screw up that DiKatana was and do something interesting before he gives another opinion.

At least ID still keeps itself current and has highly talented people working for it on engine creation.

Romero, meet Lord British or whatever that mans name is that made the Ultima Series. get your collective heads out of your asses and realize what the market wants today is something different than a decade ago. We don't need next gen whiz bang hardware to push 1080P 3d images by comparison. Unless people are going to doing eyefinity on three bigscreens worrying about hardware is basically bullshit now.

Especially for TV based gaming.
You know what is funny about that? Look at John's head (not just the hair) compared to mine...dude has a pretty big melon. :eek:

His head does look pretty big... but how would it look on your (massive) torso?


Hes pretty right about android piracy though. Find a Android app you want, google the name + "api", and there you go. Free android apps.

While you can certainly pirate elsewhere its much easier on Android.
Hes pretty right about android piracy though. Find a Android app you want, google the name + "api", and there you go. Free android apps.

While you can certainly pirate elsewhere its much easier on Android.

My apple fanboy friend hasn't bought an app for his stuff in years. Yet, he has acquired many apps since his last purchase.

Every platform is a piracy platform.
Great , more irrelevant insight from the guy that hasn't had a hit game in decades. I honestly couldn't give two shits what John Romero thinks about gaming. Why are people seemingly hung up with asking/interviewing him for his dated opinion?

Are you serious?

Even the person making "only" 1 giant hit game deserves some respect. I mean, come on... Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein...
My apple fanboy friend hasn't bought an app for his stuff in years. Yet, he has acquired many apps since his last purchase.

Every platform is a piracy platform.

Yeah you can def pirate on iOS. But it at least requires jailbreak. Android doesn't even need that. A totally stock phone can pirate. Is not equivalent.

It's like consoles. You can pirate the 360 pretty easily. It's still a fraction of the pc though.
Yeah you can def pirate on iOS. But it at least requires jailbreak. Android doesn't even need that. A totally stock phone can pirate. Is not equivalent.

It's like consoles. You can pirate the 360 pretty easily. It's still a fraction of the pc though.

This actually depends on the OEM some lockout side loading apps and some don't. Samsung rarely does if ever. Motorola more so.
Are you serious?

Even the person making "only" 1 giant hit game deserves some respect. I mean, come on... Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein...

Yea I am serious. When was the last game you played by John? And I don't mean his 90's programming for Id days?

He has gone on record to claim that PC gaming has failed and that mobile games are the only true gaming platform left , which is a fucking joke. He's consistently screwed up development of major titles left and right and has yet to even release a true successful mobile game that he can even use as an example for his argument.

So enlighten me on why I should listen to the opinion of a burned out developer who saw the vast majority of his success early on?

If I was platform developer for the Ouya or any gaming developer period honestly , John Romero would be probably one of the last sources I would consult for real advice on anything really concerning gaming. There are so many other opinions from people that work in the industry that I (and I know I'm not alone) have much more respect for concerning this topic than John's.

I really don't get why people get so hung up on him and continue to act like he's some kind of guru for this topic. Hell as much as I'm pissed at Carmack for Rage and its shitty engine I would rather watch a 3 hour interview on his view point concerning Ouya than Romero's.
"Android is a piracy platform" .. is he not aware you can pirate all of apple's crap as well?
"Android is a piracy platform" .. is he not aware you can pirate all of apple's crap as well?

You can, but its a totally different scale. Come on guys ,I know [H] greatly prefers android over iOS, thats fine, but lets no ignore the deficiencies android has.
Romero and many others don't really get OUYA still. How can Romero compare a grass roots small niche project to Apple TV? It's ridiculous. OUYA will cost $100 for simple classic style games. It costs $100 just to get permission to start programming an apple product. And what will the TV be $700? And I'm sure you won't be able to use a simple USB controller, but will fork over $60 for each and so on. And the OUYA games are not meant to compete with XBox, PS or Wii games performance wise. We're talking about side scroller and top scrollers, with some that have simple graphics. We're talking web style games like Pandemic, Bloxorz, gauntlet, street fighter, and sim city and railroad tycoon style here. This is like getting an Arduino board for $100 for doing simple motion, DAQ, and signal processing for hobbyists.

And this piracy excuse is ridiculous. There are going to be 100k units at most, not 1 billion like smart phones. The people getting OUYA are enthusiasts who want to write some simple console games and develop them for cheap, without the hassle of getting their app cleared by Apple or Microsoft or Sony. And they'll be able to share them with friends and play online without monthly fees, and BS corporate nickel and dime schemes.

$5 million is enough for this project to be a small startup business. It will allow individuals to come up with simple games, which,if successful would make it to one of the big consoles.

It just really pisses me off when people like Romero shit all over a small startup project like OUYA. Let them sink or swim on their own, the worst that can happen that it fails. But we just may get some really cool indie console games, something that we haven't really had in the gaming market. And that's worth the risk and the few million investment.
You know I am not going to bash Romero on his comments.... Lets zoom out on the issue. Piracy, ok so maybe it does take a % of the profits, but then again only a % of the piracy would buying anyway. IFads not piracy, well I can't see many people really "Stealing" Angry birds, anytime I used pirate a game before the steam/gog great sales, it was something I had interest in just didn't want to buy at new price ... Romero, Carmack, Yerli, Cliffy B all guys who saw the top of their careers be trumped out by another GRAPHIC EYECANDY Hotshot and have to claw back up / leapfrog against each other kinda old man club tired of the of course they cry piracy, with openess you can't make money they want to go back to the days of less eyecandy and little R&D cost and just churn out to the mindless automaton angry birds like or whatever other basically 80/90 level games....The graphic wars are ending and with what I think is hardcore gamers now expect real great gameplay and something different as well... look at the top selling games on steam, yes many times is the price cut sales game (another issue talked about ) but none the less usually seems to be RPGs/RTS/Simulation stuff that isn't GRAPHIC INTENSIVE or like CIV 5 a "more" graphic/cpu intensive "update" to the same play style as it's franchise history.

Sometimes I feel that the people like Romero, Carmack, Yerli, Cliffy B that are in the industry have met and say listen lets stop with these outrageous budgeted games that we hope/bet the farm on selling and close it all up to a base low end platform (Ifads, etc) and crap out reruns with a fashion / elite wannabe attachment and watch the masses gobble it up and pour money in our pockets.

The way I feel sometimes when I hear these developers speak about "you aren't going to make money" rather than "I want to make something NEW and Fun" makes me feel sad about how Capitalism has gone wrong....I love Capitalism and see it's need, but I may be old washed up but it seems the old days of Capitalism seemed to have some Hippy vibes / creativity to it.
You know I am not going to bash Romero on his comments.... Lets zoom out on the issue. Piracy, ok so maybe it does take a % of the profits, but then again only a % of the piracy would buying anyway. IFads not piracy, well I can't see many people really "Stealing" Angry birds, anytime I used pirate a game before the steam/gog great sales, it was something I had interest in just didn't want to buy at new price ... Romero, Carmack, Yerli, Cliffy B all guys who saw the top of their careers be trumped out by another GRAPHIC EYECANDY Hotshot and have to claw back up / leapfrog against each other kinda old man club tired of the of course they cry piracy, with openess you can't make money they want to go back to the days of less eyecandy and little R&D cost and just churn out to the mindless automaton angry birds like or whatever other basically 80/90 level games....The graphic wars are ending and with what I think is hardcore gamers now expect real great gameplay and something different as well... look at the top selling games on steam, yes many times is the price cut sales game (another issue talked about ) but none the less usually seems to be RPGs/RTS/Simulation stuff that isn't GRAPHIC INTENSIVE or like CIV 5 a "more" graphic/cpu intensive "update" to the same play style as it's franchise history.

Sometimes I feel that the people like Romero, Carmack, Yerli, Cliffy B that are in the industry have met and say listen lets stop with these outrageous budgeted games that we hope/bet the farm on selling and close it all up to a base low end platform (Ifads, etc) and crap out reruns with a fashion / elite wannabe attachment and watch the masses gobble it up and pour money in our pockets.

The way I feel sometimes when I hear these developers speak about "you aren't going to make money" rather than "I want to make something NEW and Fun" makes me feel sad about how Capitalism has gone wrong....I love Capitalism and see it's need, but I may be old washed up but it seems the old days of Capitalism seemed to have some Hippy vibes / creativity to it.

Capitalism was at its height in the 80's during the Regan administration. The only time true Capitalism has worked out was during the 40-60's. The division between the rich and the poor has never been greater in the states and as far as the gaming industry is concerned it desperately is trying to keep "business" as usual when true success at this time requires new and different approaches altogether. Part of the reason lower cost games are flourishing on all kinds of platforms be it mobile or home is simply to due with cost overall. Cost of development on these "arcade" or "indie" or at least the majority of them in total for one year probably adds up over a year to the cost of a single AAA big budget title from a large publisher. Its pretty hard to justify paying $60 for one game that is just a sequel/prequel to the other $60 game you bought last year. Hell if you want for a good enough sale you could buy 10 or more indie games for that kind of money and possibly have a better time playing them as well.

The game model as it stands , at $60 per game is just not going to be enough to justify a $100+ million investment if their is a chance for failure so therefore the game has to be developed to maximize profit in return and that's the "rub". The gaming industry isn't making $100+ million dollars for the sake of the "gamer" nor have they ever been really but they are making it to hopefully turn a very good profit to justify it. We , the gaming nation , are finally realizing that many of these games are either poorly handled during development or are just constant sequels of other successful games and often from overly abused genre's (like FPS games for instance).

I remember when I use to save up around $400-600 each year for gaming expenses during the Holiday season from Halloween through New Years. Now I don't even spend more than $180 maybe even less during that same holiday season last year. I just see so much of the same being thrown in the recycled bin and barfed back at me next year and I'm fed up with it. This is what developers like John Romero can't seem to get through there thick skulls , the open platform maybe the only way to salvage or evolve the stagnant nature of the gaming industry as it currently stands. Somewhere , some unknown developer is creating the next huge boom to the industry with an original idea and I would hate to think its being stifled by he/she being unable to afford to maximize all the possible platforms they can to get it into our hands.

The attack on Ouya so far seems unfounded , plenty of critical view points and yet so far nothing to really back them up. How about we wait for it to release , give it some time to build a catalog and see how things go before we pass final judgement?
LOLZ are we still talking about John Romero? I mean pretty much his BIO reads like what not to do.
I have no desire to watch the Romero Video, so I don't know what his arguments are, but I am skeptical of the OUYA from a hardware perspective.

A Tegra 3 processor and the GPU is quite weak for something aimed at an HDTV as it's output unless it is only going to do 2D games.

Maybe holding out for Tegra 4 would be a better idea.
Are you serious?

Even the person making "only" 1 giant hit game deserves some respect. I mean, come on... Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein...

Oh. He gets SOME respect.

But that bit of respect gets you only so far.

This culture does have an understandable current of "What have you done for me lately?"

The last major thing Romero did in the gaming industry was an unmitigated, unparalleled FLOP and an unmitigated disaster for his company. That he burned through millions of dollars on frivolities while doing it makes it even worse. The whole "Make you his bitch/Suck it down" thing is just icing on this little cake of crap.

Since then, he's basically concentrated on mobile platforms and hasn't really done anything of consequence. Likely because his previous performance has made investors supremely disinclined to trust him with that level of funding again.

He got lucky at ID. He happened to hire a team of incredibly talented, forward-thinking people to do the real labor in the game design.

Lightning didn't strike twice. And it has become evident that while he's innovative, he's not anything special in his chosen industry without similarly talented support staff.

Romero's entitled to his opinions. Just as my grandfather was entitled to his opinions that the moon landings were faked. In any case, it doesn't stop their opinions from being wrong and/or dumb.
He had respect for his earlier works, but he lost it. Not just with the quality of Daikatana, which was horrible, but the fact that his ego wouldn't let him accept how bad it was, and how he treated the gaming community for not just accepting it.
I dont get why he just gave up after daikatana. It's not like he can't redeem himself with a great game. He must not think he can make good games anymore or something.
Romero and many others don't really get OUYA still. How can Romero compare a grass roots small niche project to Apple TV? It's ridiculous. OUYA will cost $100 for simple classic style games. It costs $100 just to get permission to start programming an apple product. And what will the TV be $700?
$700 for a tv with built in quasi game console? This is fucking Apple. I would add another zero to that for their entry-level version. If anything is doa it is an Apple-priced console+tv.
Can take anything Romero says as garbage, he's been out of the gaming industry since he destroyed the Ion Storm division he ran into the ground, with a delayed release almost as mythical as Duke Nukem Forever for being utter s#!te.
I dont get why he just gave up after daikatana. It's not like he can't redeem himself with a great game. He must not think he can make good games anymore or something.
No one's particularly enthusiastic about funding his projects.