Javascript File listing


Dec 17, 2002
Is there a way to get a listing of files in a folder with Javascript? I am working on a Dreamweaver extension and I need a listing of files in a folder.
Not usually. This requires accessing of the file system. The browser does not allow this by default. You have to use an ActiveX control to access the file system and that is unsigned for security purposes. You can do it with a server side langauge. The account the webserver runs under has to have permisions to access the files though. This is also generally a bad thing as a input box which is not properly validated could grant an attacker rights to the files.
You could do it with Javascript and LiveConnect which lets you manipulate Java from within Javascript but there are probably going to be security issues. You can find more info in the Javascript 1.3 reference (don't have a link though, sorry).