JavaOS ???


Aug 28, 2001
Does anyone know anything about JavaOS? specifically, if it is obtainable? I want to download it, but I can only find info on it dating from the late 90's. Has it changed names? I would love to have a java operating system on my old pc. any info is appreciated. thanks.
damn, i thought it was a good idea... at least for something to tinker with. oh well, i'll just look into that jDistro thing i found.
inimino said:
JavaOS is long dead and was never useful.
Where are you getting your information?

Java OS is still supported by Sun, in fact they just released version 2

It really isn't too bad. Suprisingly, it runs fairly quickly even on a venerable P4 1.6Ghz with only 256MB of RAM. The main downside is that it doesn't have a lot of compatability with other Linux apps. It's kind of hit and miss whether or not something will compile for it. Device support is where it can both shine and fail miserably. You can't really load any new modules so you're stuck waiting for Sun to write modules for new hardware. On the plus side, there are A LOT of drivers that are built in and ready to go.

It's something fun to play with and would be great for a "Grandma" PC but I wouldn't go any further with it just yet.
inimino said:
The link you posted is the Java Desktop System, which has nothing to do with JavaOS.
:eek: Looks like I need to clear out my page cache.

Eh, they're still giving me the option to upgrade it free of charge.
So this Java Desktop System would be equivalent to something like Gnome or KDE?
berky said:
So this Java Desktop System would be equivalent to something like Gnome or KDE?

Actually, it is a tweaked gnome on top of some linux, or starting with the latest release, solaris.
Interesting. Altho i can't justify spending the money just for the desktop.
There has been free downloads of JDS. I'm not sure if you can still get hold of it, nor if you can get the newest version.
I've been meaning to take a look at it. We get quarterly software packs from Sun at work and the last one had JDS in it. It looks like it's got some interesting admin features..