Jagged Alliance: BIA Thread


Apr 27, 2009
Despite some issues and bugs, I find myself enjoying the game. There are definitely some issues that can annoy people and ruin the game for them, but I see it being no different than the same issues JA2 had.

I wish there were some fog of war though, it becomes too easy when you can predict all the enemy's movements. Developers said they were working on it.

Own everything above Tixa Prison, since Ira is worthless, working on her as close support for Spider, who does not make a bad shooter with Vintorez + appropriate clothing with her chameleon.

The first challenge I think is when you run into that road block north of Alma and realize all the enemies have high caliber guns and are all wearing armor. Came back with RPK, everything was gravy. :cool:

Anyone know how to open up the locked shack at the Water Pump? :confused: