It's time for a [H]ard Guild Wars Guild!

uzor said:
I guess when Retarded Chicken left he appointed you as his replacement?

Yep, now I have left and appointed telcis.

The guild is falling apart and hopefully he can fix it ... but he was planning on leaving too so, I dont know!
Hey I want to join. I am Mo/R Lvl8 but that will probably grow by the end of the night. My name is

Seer Qui

I am currently at Sanctus Sanitarium. I really want to get out of that place and get to Lions Arch.
Ok Guild update


No those arent the capes anymore telcis changed them back I liked them. Im not the leader telcis, second no more pms asking to join to me please (I left)

But thats the mose recent have FUN! :)

Heres a funny!

Not to thread crap or anything, but if anyone is looking to join another guild or just find some more mature gamers to play with, We over at the tech report are always looking for people.

Most of us are atleast 20+ or so iirc, so maturity is a nice factor here. The guild is Cold Black Eyes,

You can see me in game, my primary (ranger / Me 20 ) is Livid Rage and my current favorite build is my Nec / Mo 12. I love this game, can't wait for expansions!

edit: my current build (the nec) characters name is Dark Lich Livid
Darkest Light < i would love to be a part of guild that has more mature members in it

i am a N/R 10 and im 25
Gosh Guys, What happened to the [H]ard Guild Wars Guild, hardly anyone online and alot of people being kicked from the guild. I don't know if these people that was kicked was because of being offline for a long time or else, but this Guild is drying up.
that happens to a lot of guilds... mine is kinda inactive ATM. of ~20 people, ~5 are active. though some have an excuse. if the guild isn't composed of people who play at roughly the same time, you're gonna have problems. people will get upset about not ever having someone to play with.
so i hate to bring back an old thread and all, but i wanted to see if the guild still existed or not. if so i'd like an invite plz, my chars name is Teat Ray or Ms Bandito