It's HERE! (Seasonic S12-600)


Mar 17, 2003
Well, I've had it since Saturday, but been too lazy to post the pics. I'm really happy because, this thing is HARD to come by. My fiancee went through two cancelled orders (out of stock) before she found this thing.

I bought a blue UV sleeving kit and molex and ATX pin removers to tidy up the PSU. I didnt realize what an undertaking it would really be. Oh, and my ATX pin remover broke. It was a POS. But I have a CaseArts modders toolkit inbound today. I'm procrastinating with the sleeving, but I'll get it done. Also gonna have to use split-loom on the SATA lines, because there is no way to remove them........

This PSU won't see any action for a few weeks still, as I have yet to make up my mind on which AMD mobo to get, and waiting to see what R520 really is, or ISN'T. If it sucks, the prices will still fall on the 7800GTX's and I'll just go that route :D




yea i got mine last week from newegg, only gripe i have is that the atx cable is too short to route behind the mobo tray on my v1000