Issues setting up wireless router as a WAP


Dec 28, 2002
wired router: linksys NR041
wireless router: SMC SMCWBR14-G barricade g

Until I am able to find a good replacement wireless router for the network I wanted to setup my "free" smc wireless router as a WAP. Now I know this is possible since I've done it once before and I was sure I knew how to set it up again but after trying for the past two days I am unable to get the wireless router to allow connection through to the internet.

Wired router is set as gateway, dhcp running with a range from
I have turned the dhcp off on the wireless router, and set the lan ip to I then run cat5 from port 1 on linksys to wan port on smc. I've tried putting in the uplink button on the linksys and without it neither works. I really don't remember what to do to get this setup. I can view the SSID but it hangs on acquiring network address then goes to limited or no activity when trying to connect to the wireless network. I know I am using the correct WPA pre shared passphrase as well.

Any idea's here? Or any suggestions on a good wireless router.

Also the wired connection on the linksys works great but my girlfriend and I would like to use our laptops on the 1st floor of our apt, and I've tested all the ports on the linksys which all work.
do not use wan port, plug from lan port to lan port. then the dhcp will work and the clients will connect :D

the reason you are getting limited no connectivity is because the wired router is not properly connected to the wireless one so it cannot give out an ip address ending up in limited connectivity, do what i stated above and it should all just work. remember to reboot both routers just for luck.
thanks I'll giver er a shot, that's the only setup I haven't tried haha. I'll update with the results
works now... my thinking on the wan port was that it should have the incoming packets go to the WAN port on the wireless router but meh it's been awhile for me messing with this stuff. Thanks for the help. I appreciate it. Only crappy part now is wireless is really really slow =P
no problem, maybe you have a shitty signal or somthing?