isale vs. garagesale for ebay on mac?


Oct 12, 2005
So, I'm going to be selling a bunch of stuff on ebay and there are two programs I can use: isale or garagesale. Does anyone have any experience with either? I'm not looking for too advanced features and I know absolutely nothing about html. Easy to use and the overall appearance of the ebay site it makes are the most important parts to me. Thanks in advance for any help.
I've used iSale some. It's OK, I suppose. I think there are too many dumb user-interface quirks.

You have a pane which lists all your running auctions. You can only select them one at a time. You have no idea how much of a pain in the arse it is to run 200+ auctions all ending the same day and when completed to have to go and delete them ONE AT A TIME!

At least in v3, they dumbed down the image piece to the point of making it unusable for me. eBay has a size limit on the size of an image you can upload to eBay's own image service for free. Fine. But in spite of uploading all of my images to my own FTP server, iSale still scaled my images to this stupid-small size to fit within eBay's guidelines. Guys - if I wanted the images that small, I wouldn't have bothered uploading them to my FTP server. After going around and around with Equinux's support, they said the workaround is to do your auction body in HTML and display your image using an <img> tag. Well geez guys. . .I thought using iSale was supposed to save me work. One of the points of buying iSale was so I didn't have to dick around coding my auction body.

iSale has three panes - the left-most is your auction groups, the middle one is your individual aucions in a list format, and the one on the right is the auction preview. There's no way you can tell iSale to not display one of the columns. I found this ridiculous - especially since I was using a 12" iBook G4 at the time.

I love being able to create the aucion listings offline and upload them to eBay later, but again. . .you can only do this ONE AT A TIME!

I MUCH prefer eBay's own Turbo Lister. Unfortunately it's Windows-only, so I have to either reboot my MacBook to XP or go to another machine in the house. But I find those options to be a lot less hassle than dealing with iSale's quirks.

I like how it would update the current bids for the auctions within the app and in the widget. But maybe it was because I typically ran 50-250 auctions at a time, but this took FOREVER!!! To the point where it was just easier to go to eBay's site and list my items by seller or go to my My eBay page.
ya i tried isale once, didn't really like it, too much work for little difference over turbo lister.
I too like turbolister the best (unfortunate it's windows only). Overall there isn't a great solution, I've just had to make my own html templates and fill in the blanks.
I like GarageSale, but I don't use it every day, usually once month, sometimes more, I think it's pretty easy to use.