Is Twitter Worth $1 Billion?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I can’t help myself, I have to know if you guys think Twitter is worth $1 billion. And, just for giggles, if you think it is worth a billion dollars…who do you think would buy it?

Is Twitter worth $1 billion? Technology blogs TechCrunch and AllThingsD reported that the San Francisco microblogging upstart has raised at least $50 million in a new round of venture capital that values the company at $1 billion.
Value is in the eyes of the buyer, but if someone was to buy it, I could see Apple doing just that.
I think that Twitter may be worth 1 billion dollars if they can prove its actually got the ability to prove long term profitability. Afterall, its a goldmine for personal user data... but that's about it.
It's a hype machine. So, right now I think it could be. Give it two years, and it'll be worth 50 bucks. A agree with Russian, goldmine for user info.
1 billion dollars? Somehow I just don't see them having 100 million in ads and data mining.
Twitter=Youtube in terms of sales price vs profit after buying.
I can see the idiot(s) who buys Twitter for 1 Billion dollars and not make a profit from it.
I don't see how Twitter can possibly be worth that much. I suppose there is some data mining there, but as far as advertising revenue is considered, it would appear Twitterers(?) (Tweetzors?) are moving more and more to accessing feeds from other devices/places that the website.

In the interest of full disclosure, I think Twitter is a terrible no-good very bad thing that people will soon get be ready to ditch. I don't really care what Ashton Kutcher had for dinner.
Why even buy something for $1 billion? If you have that money, just keep it.

Twitter announced today the new, pay-to-tweet business model. Ten cents per character, minimum of ten.
Twitter is worthless - its a waste of time and bandwidth. If some company is willing to pay 1Billion for it, then the management are idiots.
It must be a slow day when this is the first tech item. Rolls over and goes back to sleep.
I would sell the company for one billion right now. In this market get all you can.
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Do I get some reward for posting on ten times in 3.5 years Steve?
to me, twitter is worth 5 bucks and a half eaten twinkie
I can’t help myself, I have to know if you guys think Twitter is worth $1 billion. And, just for giggles, if you think it is worth a billion dollars…who do you think would buy it?

Google, they have the money, and buy anything that has an audience, but they might wait until the price drops a little if the owners are eager to get rid of it.
Social media is just a fad and it will eventually run its course. Web 2.0 is just another Internet bubble that will burst once people realize that there is zero chance for long-term, sustainable profits. Lets just pray that none of these companies are taken public before the this realization occurs and that the only people who lose money are venture capitalists and not John Q. Public and his pension fund.

So in summation Twitter is not worth $1 billion. Unless people really care about the mundane day to day activities of their favorite celebrities/ athletes/ friends.
Worth a billion easy. Things like Twitter and Facebook are truly the future of most of marketing and business as we know it.
How about a 1day ban to the Hello Kitty forum for not being [H] enough. ;)

I've been there, Sir, and it's actually not that bad.

But back on topic, laddies, $1Billion? It's just paper money anyways. Let's make it $10 Billion, that's how much it's worth.
Web 2.0 is just another Internet bubble that will burst once people realize that there is zero chance for long-term, sustainable profits. Lets just pray that none of these companies are taken public before the this realization occurs and that the only people who lose money are venture capitalists and not John Q. Public and his pension fund.

This pretty much sums it up. These companies are dealing with what I can only assume is fantasy/monopoly money.

I'll tell you what, I'll pay $1 billion in theoretical money for Twitter's supposed worth.
I am perplexed by people who actually use either site as the company is plainly making $$ of their backs and no sharing any profit with the users. Just for that I don't use any of these sites.
But back on topic, laddies, $1Billion? It's just paper money anyways. Let's make it $10 Billion, that's how much it's worth.

This as well. Interesting parallel here. The money we use is inherently worthless as it is backed by nothing, but only by faith in the government. Then we have companies like Twitter that are inherently worthless, except for the hope that, by some miracle, they can be turned profitable and maintain popularity. Seems like a fair trade.
Twitter definitely isn't worthless. $1 billion is a stretch. $500 million maybe..

Twitter is the only central location to find what the current 'pulse' of the Internet is. It's not a fad unless people stop talking on the web and no matter what you talk about, you will find listeners. Newspapers report yesterday news and all the real interesting tidbits get edited out. Social media isn't going anywhere.
For user info, definitely worthwhile.

But consider this: millions of people are on there documenting where they are and what they're doing.

That in itself could be very, very lucrative.
Twitter is usless/worthless to me. But if I were a multi-billion dollar corporation, I would buy Twitter for a billion dollars and MURDER IT!!!:mad:

It isn't worth two shits in a backwoods, hillbilly forest. And I apologize to all hillbilly's and forests.
Twitter is overhyped by other media. Most people don't seem to care about it at all.. just those in the "biz."
Not worth a billion, not even close. Didn't their investors get the memo that the internet bubble already bursted almost decade ago.
In the grand scheme of things, the greater good and all that, $1 billion wouldn't be that much to pay to be able to kill Twitter.
if i owned twatter and read that i'd try to sell it for $100mill and call it a 'deal'

apple is that stupid right?
Twitter is overhyped by other media. Most people don't seem to care about it at all.. just those in the "biz."

which is what gives twitter its value.. its not the people that use it.. its the publicity that gives it the current commercial value.. and i really wouldnt doubt if one of the major network channels bought it.. just like myspace was bought by CBS or what ever network channel it was that bought it..
What a joke. I woulnd't buy it for 1 dollar. Then again maybe I would just to shut it down.
I've never tweeted and have no desire to.....

I don't click on stupid ads either....

Maybe worth 1 billion if only stupid people use it... but that s only because they would buy everything that popped up in an ad on their screen.

For all the losers that seem to be tweeting, facebooking, and MySpacing lately, it just might be worth 1billion to stop a ton of criminal activity.

It would be a nice experiment to buy Facebook, Youtube, MySpace, and Twitter, and then shut them down for a single day.. or maybe even a week to see if the "world as we know it" collapses.... maybe make them all pay sites as people are so addicted to them.

Get a good membership close to that of WoW and any of them could be worth 1 billion.. easy.