Is this a CPU or video problem>


Limp Gawd
Jan 4, 2002
First, my system specs -

Asus A7N8X Deluxe v2.0 mobo
2500+ (not OC'd)
Cooler Master Aero 7+
Powercolor Radion 9700 non-pro
512mb Hyper-X PC3200
WD SE 80gig HD
XP Professional

So here's the problem.

When I first load any kind of movie or game or whatever my system starts locking up for about a 10th of a second every 5 seconds for maybe 5 full minutes. After it does this constant locking up it starts working fine.

All temps are normal and all drivers are updated.

My question is this - is this a CPU or video problem? Is there any way to know for sure?
You can try and place your video card or CPU into a different PC and see if the same problem is there. If it is then you will know that it is a hardware problem.