Is there some biological reason why hot chicks don't game/get-into-computer?

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They're hot because they spend time looking good instead of playing games, duh...!
joethemole said:
man, imagine utopia, where all the hot chicks are also gamers and are computer literate
Theres a reason it's called utopia. Don't get your hopes up.
theres a reason why hot chicks dont game, and a reason why i dont tell them i play computer games.

its all the image of gaming.
Because most of the Guys on the other end are this Fugly and stupid.

mod edit: odoe - go look at naked guys somewhere else
ONe of those fragdolls IS hot. I saw them on TV. Look, she's hot and computer literate and a gamer. Now go get 'er boy. Get on gettin'!
Biological reason? No. Social reason? Yes.

I think the number one reason we don't see a lot of girls playing games is because their friends don't play them. Additionally, games have had a geeky/nerdy/etc. aura surrounding them up until recently. I think in the upcoming generation we will see significantly more girl gamers.
I had to drag my girlfriend away from WoW so I could post this. Sorry bro, can't identify with your problem. You just gotta look in the right places. :cool:

Don't give up hope!
Most nerdy guys who game do not take care of their apperances. hot and computer user do not go together.
The president of harvard recently suggested there might be biological reasons that there are not many women in the sciences, and he has been under heavy criticism ever since.

anyways, I knew a hot girl that loved video games, and had a great time destroying all her male friend's fragile egos. Nerds (there are a lot at my school), would brag about their skills (bragging about video game skills to hot girls... they really are nerds) and she would pick them apart. It was classic.
Using the term 'hot' to descibe a woman is lame. Trust me....they think that too.

'Hot' is subjective. My friends, and others, don't understand why I think Elizabeth Shue is 'hot'. It must be from watching Adventures in Babysitting so many times when I was a wee little one, but she does it for me and my girlfriend goes along with it 'cause she has a Mel Gibson thing and I don't give her grief about that.
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