Is there any way to modify an HD 7970 bios ?

You need to post more details. What exactly do you want to modify, and why?
If it's anything like previous graphics cards by AMD and I believe it is, you can modify voltage for different speed and power profiles but not clocks for memory or core.

But yes, What Rizen said, what do you want to modify and why
I wish

The author of Radeon Bios editor stopped supporting it. Mostly since that all of the fun features are locked down in the driver anyways. Even if you could edit clock speeds it wouldn't work once you boot into windows anyways.
Just happened upon this thread. I've got an asus dcII 7970 vanilla that I'd love to be able to tweak the voltage on. From what I've read it seems that the voltage is locked via the bios. Any way to unlock it? Default voltage is 1.12V
i have a vapor-x 7970 and the only way i can change the voltage is force constant voltage in msi after burner and i thought it might be useful to set the voltage on the bios level !
AFAIK the 7xxx is not hash locked like the 6xxx series.

However, there is currenlty no tool to edit anything...
Thats why I said and. I know that Wizzard isn't the developer but I've seen him make comments on the forums.
Bagzz doesnt have one, and was very put out about the 6xxx hash locks, so he wont even try anymore.

Keep an eye on the link i posted above, they say they may support more cards at some point.
After a month of research, I finally found the solution to not being able to change the core voltage on my asus 7970-dc2:

The solution is to use ver of gpu tweak (can be found in the comments section at the end of the review). For some reason, none of the other (newer or older) versions of gpu tweak allow voltage control. I had also tried several version of msi afterburner & sapphire trixx, none of which worked.

This issue was driving me nuts for over a month. I tried several versions of the aforementioned software, different drivers, etc etc. Hope this info helps someone else out!
Doesnt really solve the problem of changing the profile voltage levels in the bios.

but im glad you got it working...