Is there a Statement...


100% Irish
Jul 21, 2000
on a reputable site that tells how bandwidth speeds are calculated

i mean i know that if you have a 1Mb DSL link the speed is calculated as
1024 / 8 = 128k
giving you a max download speed of 128k (under the most ideal circumstances)

but is there a site out that has this all worked out in nice english etc etc..
Originally posted by -l-Z3K3-l-
but is there a site out that has this all worked out in nice english etc etc..
What exactly do you need? You just explained what you needed quite clearly, so either I misunderstood, or you didn't explain it accurately ( note: either one is possible ).
Originally posted by XOR != OR
What exactly do you need? You just explained what you needed quite clearly, so either I misunderstood, or you didn't explain it accurately ( note: either one is possible ).

well i know i can say that about connection speeds
but i need a link to a reputable website that also carries this info

its the only way to keep managers happy

they want proof
Originally posted by -l-Z3K3-l-
well i know i can say that about connection speeds
but i need a link to a reputable website that also carries this info

its the only way to keep managers happy

they want proof
Ah, gotcha.

I hate management. seems to have some of what you are looking for, specifically this:
From McAfee:

2. How did you calculate my Internet connection speed?

Your Internet connection speed was calculated with 1 or 2 tests, depending on how fast your computer received the first file.

We performed the first test by sending a 150KB file to your computer and recording the amount of time it took for your computer to receive it.

If it took your computer 1.0 seconds or longer to receive the file, then the first test calculation provided your final result.

If your computer took less than 1.0 seconds to receive the file, then we performed the second test. Based on the first test calculation, you were redirected to another Web page with either 600KB, 1.5MB or 3.0MB of data. The time it took for your computer to download that Web page was then recorded.

Amount of Data = Your Internet Connection Speed
Time to Download