Is there a Hardocp WoW Guild?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 5, 2004
I'm looking for a new guild.

I've played since vanilla wow. Have been in mostly top 100 guilds the last 6+ years.

Lots of server firsts, few cool titles across a few toons, Deaths Demise, Light of Dawn, Starcaller, few more so so titles.

Main is Rogue. Currently unguilded and gearing up.

Looking to raid with a 25 man guild. All that I ask is is that the guild have at least a few years of history and strong leadership. I prefer DKP over loot council.

I have no problem "earning" my raid spot.

Some of my server firsts are Rag, Nef, C'thun, Illidan, Algalon, ToGC 10/25 man 50 attepts left and server first, Heroic Uldar on ToGC on Rogue. All my achievements are time correct, meaning, the dates at which I earned those achievements / mount would match the same time frame as other top 100 guilds.

Leave a PM or if there are enough people that would start a hardcore 10 man guild, I might be interested OR if you are an officer / GM and would sponsor me. Willing to vent interview.
Considering HardOCP's core audience, I don't think the HardOCP guild would be as hardcore as you are... IF it existed - which I have no clue if it does.
I remember a LONG time ago in a [H] forum far far away there was. This is back in the WoW classic days, I dont know if it still around because last I read there was only a couple of members left and that was a long time ago. If I recall correctly Kyle gave the ok to use the [H] on the guild name.
the other big issue i see here is this. alot of us such as myself would not be willing to leave my server due to my friends & the love of my server. It would take alot of work because I wouldnt want to spend 25 dollars to move a toon over to the new server so I would have to relevel wich would take sometime.

As far as I know there isnt a [H] Guild at all. Even if there was I dont think people would be as Hardcore as myself or even you.
There was HardOCP on Stormscale Horde side back in Vanilla wow, but it broke up a long time ago. I'd be willing to transfer and FC to join a HardOCP guild that. I'm play pretty casually right now, but want to get back into end game raiding.
I would join but I'm not looking for anything 'hardcore'.

Puinsai or Tanton on Sargeras
I run Destructive Nature on Sargeras. Alliance guild, doing 10 man raiding Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 7PM to 10PM CST. We do other stuff on the weekends if you are interested.

Note that my plan for the guild is to get back to 25 man raiding, which we were doing well having completed 9/12 ICC 25 heroics (just putricide and sindragosa and LK left).

Right now we have downed Omnitron, working on Magmaw. Also downed Halfus and nearly have Valiona/Theralion down.

Send a tell to Morsx or one of my officers, Saxtabber, Snozzberry or Lansden.
I run Destructive Nature on Sargeras. Alliance guild, doing 10 man raiding Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 7PM to 10PM CST. We do other stuff on the weekends if you are interested.

Note that my plan for the guild is to get back to 25 man raiding, which we were doing well having completed 9/12 ICC 25 heroics (just putricide and sindragosa and LK left).

Right now we have downed Omnitron, working on Magmaw. Also downed Halfus and nearly have Valiona/Theralion down.

Send a tell to Morsx or one of my officers, Saxtabber, Snozzberry or Lansden.

I might just take your offer. Thanks
I'd be game for that, except im not rolling anything on Sargeras. That is such a god awful Ally dominated server. If you like to pvp Horde side stay away from that server.
There are quite a few trolls Alliance side on Sargeras, but moving to a low population server just to get away from that is the opposite of what you want to do when you are looking for a raiding guild.
There are quite a few trolls Alliance side on Sargeras, but moving to a low population server just to get away from that is the opposite of what you want to do when you are looking for a raiding guild.

Oh I agree. Sargeras Horde was the biggest bunch of PvE carebears I have ever seen. No one on that server cared about PvP in the slighest Horde side. Sadly this was the server I leveled my main on. I will never go back to that server, and to the people that go there Ally side to PvP I will call facerollers.
As you can see there are many here that play. I'm not part of any [H] guilds, but if there are any Roleplayers who want to get started in WoW, please let me know. I'm well connected on Moon Guard, Horde and I just moved to Wyrmrest Accord, Alliance. Be you someone wanting to get restarted on a new RP server, or someone interested in WoW that roleplays in their current game of choice, I can help set you up.
Oh I agree. Sargeras Horde was the biggest bunch of PvE carebears I have ever seen. No one on that server cared about PvP in the slighest Horde side. Sadly this was the server I leveled my main on. I will never go back to that server, and to the people that go there Ally side to PvP I will call facerollers.

Not sure I would say that. It appears Horde got an influx of players looking to PvP again, as Horde is quite capable of defending Tol Barad when they actually try. Otherwise, PvP is within the battlegroup so being on Sargeras or another realm on Shadowburn doesn't make a difference with BG's or Arenas.
Defending TB is so easy though lol. All you have to do is zerg at least one node up at any given time and the offense will never capture it. It's quite a broken condition at the moment, offense basically has to do the equivalent of an AB 5-cap except 1 player can't easily "ninja" flags.