Is the new iPad really worth it?


Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2007
Planning on getting the new iPad for school, reading, learning etc

Is it a great device to use when your sitting in bed?
there is an apple subforum , but i own an ipad 1 and love it for casual games and browsing. Im not sure its the best tool for school ... and i hate reading on a screens... nothing beats a good old book for me.
I don't think there's a better device to use while laying in bed. 90% of the time, that's where my iPad gets used.
tablets are great for surfing the web, watching netflix, or reading....

if you are buying this for school and are going to have to type anything more than a few sentences... you are going to regret buying it.

I have my HP touchpad and love it but there are times when Im reading comments on Fark and want to reply, but quite simply even if you are experienced typing on a glass screen, its still painfully slow compared to if you are used to doing 100mph on a real keyboard. The combination of no tactile feedback and the screen lagging in terms of detection (ipad is just as guilty) means no typing more than simple replys or short text messages.

Personally -- I use mine at work on the weekends so I can browse the web outside of our very secured and monitored network. And to kill time while I'm on the toilet :)
I own the new one it's nice, the retina display especially. It's not a laptop replacement, though
Depends on how you use the device.

I use my iPad with Audiotorium and the camera when i need pictures of the blackboard/powerpoint annotations.