IS it possible to have subscribed

Format _C:

Jun 12, 2001
threads default to no email? I hate getting emails everyday. and everytime I suscrube to a thread I have to click to no to email and it gets to be a pain. Thanks
User Control Panel >
Settings and Options >
Edit Options >
Messaging and Notification >
Default Thread Subscription >
Option Box > Set To 'No Email Notification'
MajorDomo said:
User Control Panel >
Settings and Options >
Edit Options >
Messaging and Notification >
Default Thread Subscription >
Option Box > Set To 'No Email Notification'
does that make it automatically subscribe to every thread you reply to/start? because i want the default to be no email sub but i don't always want to subscribe to every thread i participate in
tim said:
does that make it automatically subscribe to every thread you reply to/start? because i want the default to be no email sub but i don't always want to subscribe to every thread i participate in
Well, that is the default, you are automatically sub'd to every thread you post in if you have opted for subscribing in your user control panel. But when you post a reply/new thread, toward the bottom of the page is a box for "additional options" and you can choose to de-select subscribing to that particular thread.