Is Gmail Failing?


Aug 17, 2005
Over the last two weeks, my Gmail, that i use for probably 12 hours a day, has become a nightmare of super slow performance, lock-ups, disconnects and outages. Yes, its a free app, but i have come to rely on it for a lot of private stuff.

Anyone else in the shitter with Gmail and poor performance?
GMail has been down a few times the past few weeks, although the IMAP/POP3 interface doesn't appear to have been affected. As I don't use the web interface I haven't noticed anything unusual, although I must say that at some times (like at the moment) SMTP is a tad sluggish via GMail.
I have not had a single problem at work or home with GMail. I use the web interface at work and IMAP at home.
I use the web interface at least 12 hours a day as well and haven't had any issues. May it's a problem with your ISP rather than Gmail?
I use Gmail on a daily basis, both via IMAP and web interface, and although have had occasional issues with the web interface, none with IMAP.
Much like blackedge, I use Gmail on a daily basis, both via IMAP and the web interface, and I haven't had any problems from either the interface or IMAP.