Is 3GB of Ram OK?


Sep 29, 2004
I am currently Running an A8N-32 SLI Deluxe Motherboard with two 1gb sticks of Corsair XMS memory in Dual channel. Would it cause any issues if I went and got two more sticks of 512gb Memory and for a total of 3gb? Someone tried to tell me that running 2 1gbs and 2 512's In dual Channel will cause stability issues. Anyone Know/tried this?
As long as you pair them up right, (I.E. 512-512 and 1024-1024) I don't see why it would cause an issue.
I run 3GB Crucial with no issue. I think it is safe to run 3GB as long as you stay with the same brand and timings.
i run 2x512mb of corsair xms and 2x1gb kingston value w/ no stability issues at all. Didnt even effect my overclock. Still detected and runs in dual channel and according to Sandra, only took a very slight performance hit.
my Q6600 at 3.6 is perfectly fine when i took out one of my ram sticks for an RMA

so.. should be fine