Ipod Video 5G


Aug 28, 2005
hey, just got my black ipod video 30gb, and tried some anime on it, it looks awesome, but i wanted to know is there a function where you can fast forward or like skip to different scene of the movie/clip?

I would think it would be similar to fast forwarding through music... Correct me if I am wrong.

Push the center button to the fastforward menu, then use the wheel to go back and forth....
yup, it's just like with music, click the center button once and the time "scale" will come up, then use the scroll wheel to go where ever you want in the video, and then click the center button again and you're there
bahula03 said:
yup, it's just like with music, click the center button once and the time "scale" will come up, then use the scroll wheel to go where ever you want in the video, and then click the center button again and you're there
SO amazing they implemented that so well. It works SO well, just like teh music.
i just recently got the same ipod.. do you notice how quickly watching video drains the battery?..
TSS Modder said:
did you happen to noticed the rated battery life for videos is 2-3 hours? :confused:
yea, it looks like whatever they are useing as a decoder takes some serious juce to get running.
Unknown-One said:
yea, it looks like whatever they are useing as a decoder takes some serious juce to get running.
between that and the fact that its going to have to access the hard drive constantly. which really really eats up battery life.
i haven't tested it or anything.. but i bet i couldn't watch more then 30min of video before i dies..the constant on backlight kills the battery as well..
(7\) said:
i haven't tested it or anything.. but i bet i couldn't watch more then 30min of video before i dies..the constant on backlight kills the battery as well..
i average at least 2.5 hours on mine.... :rolleyes:
I got the same EXACT ipod....black 30 gig.........lets see i have 5 movies, 3 podcast and 600 songs on it now and 260 pictures.....and I just got it for Xmas today :eek:
Maybe theyll come out with a hack for it so you can play homebrew games....the little ipods and older ones can play idoom :(
gonna post a thread for a question**
TSS Modder said:
i average at least 2.5 hours on mine.... :rolleyes:

My battery hardly lasts for an hour and a half on video if I am lucky, usually an hour or less for video. I was about to start a thread asking if that was normal or if I might have a bad battery.
quite honestly i was wondering the same thing.. tho i have yet to watch a video from itunes/apple directly.. so maybe it has to do with the way the file is encoded.. bitrates and such
(7\) said:
quite honestly i was wondering the same thing.. tho i have yet to watch a video from itunes/apple directly.. so maybe it has to do with the way the file is encoded.. bitrates and such

It has to do with numerous things. Mainly its the battery size. The iPod is so thin and encloses a sreen, a hard drive, and other things within a tiny little shell. The battery has very little room and is therefore small and doesn't hold as much "juice" as the battery in your laptop or portable DVD player.
To watch a video, the hard drive constantly needs to start. It takes alot for a tiny electric motor to spin a big metal disk. Also, it has to run a program in the background to decode the video, therefore, you are draining life twice as fast.
The screen, being color, also takes more power to run than does the black and white. Plus, the backlight is constantly lit which drains the battery life.
i understand that.. but i'm comparing my battery life to the others with the same battery that claim to get more then double the life from it.. i'm wondering what the diffrence is..
Erasmus354 said:
My battery hardly lasts for an hour and a half on video if I am lucky, usually an hour or less for video. I was about to start a thread asking if that was normal or if I might have a bad battery.

Yeah :mad: I got a brand new 5G iPod, so to test it out I watched a movie for like an hour and 20 mins. After that, the battery was wayy in the red and was supposed to die soon. Before that, I listened to music for maybe 30 mins tops, and after that the following day I let the iPod run (without headphones) to drain the battery and it lasted maybe an hour at most. This was on the first charge.. So should that improve when the battery is "broken in"?
lithium ion batteries should always be drained and charged when first received. this does help battery life. though draining a LiIon battery and storing it is not a good idea.