iPhone X Teardown


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
If you're a gadget guy like I am then you can probably appreciate the teardown of an iPhone X by the guys over at Ifixit. They take the latest and greatest Apple iPhone and strip it down to it's component parts. After looking through the article you get a really good feel how Apple jammed all of that stuff into such a small package. Also, if you ever want to replace some kind of broken part on your own this will give you an idea on how to get to that part.

Today, we're taking apart Apple's 18th iteration - the iPhone X. With its rounded edges and edge-to-edge display, we're sure this is the iPhone Steve imagined all of those years ago - but now that his dream is realized, will it be as influential as the first?
I don't really buy Apple products, but the teardowns they usually do are interesting.
hey look. There's room for a headphone jack

Did you read the article at all? The pieces of this phone are wedged in there like sardines. The mainboard is two pieces on top of each other to save space.

If you cannot be bothered to read the article I can't be bothered to TLDR it for you.

That said, why come into a thread with no intention of reading the article linked and then making stupid statements with nothing to back it up?

And I'm far from an Apple fanboy. I use a Nexus 6P. I love hardware, no matter the vendor.
Seems like a great way to have crap overheat being stacked on top of each other. Also the two batteries is a bit odd and probably won't past as many Cycles as one larger battery.
Seems like a great way to have crap overheat being stacked on top of each other. Also the two batteries is a bit odd and probably won't past as many Cycles as one larger battery.

That’s a load of shit lol, looks like they hav done everything possible to squeeze stuff in.
Seems like a great way to have crap overheat being stacked on top of each other. Also the two batteries is a bit odd and probably won't past as many Cycles as one larger battery.

Well you don't think for a minute that Apple make anything that's specifically designed to last more than 13 months? If it does then it's a failure on their part.
Well you don't think for a minute that Apple make anything that's specifically designed to last more than 13 months? If it does then it's a failure on their part.

My kids still use their iPhone 4s all these years later. They use them as iPods and beat them to death and then keep on charging and playing their music and YouTube.

Can't really complain with the iPhones in our house. My wife's iPad is pretty old as well, with no issues.
"we're sure this is the iPhone Steve imagined all of those years ago - but now that his dream is realized, will it be as influential as the first?"

Based on that quote, it only took him 10 years, billions of dollars in sales on previous iterations, and his death to achieve his dream.

Guess people will kin him to the likes of Vincent Willem van Gogh and Michael Angelo as an artist then /s

I still find him to be one of the most overrated CEO's ever, but at least he did pull Apple out of its pit, so always a kudos for that.