iPhone Sync Question


Limp Gawd
Aug 26, 2005
I have a pretty simple dilemma:

My iPhone was synched to a laptop that died. All of my data went with it. Anyhow, I have another desktop that I share with my fiancee. Her iPhone is synced to her iTunes account on there.

My question is this: Can I connect my iPhone to her computer and upgrade to iOS4 without losing my data? Obviously my songs will go, but I'm most concerned about being able to create a backup of my account her PC. I'll be buying a MBP and an iMac in September, so this is merely a temporary solution for me.

Thanks in advance for entertaining a dumb question.
My question is this: Can I connect my iPhone to her computer and upgrade to iOS4 without losing my data?

Depends on the data.

As far as your calendars and contacts go, set up Google Sync on your iPhone and let it sync your calendars and contacts. You can use this as a remote backup in case Windows Address Book and Windows Calendar don't want to play nice.

For any music you purchased on the iTunes Store, log in to and authorize the new computer through iTunes. When you connect the iPhone, iTunes should say it's detected purchased music and should ask if you want to transfer the tracks over. For music not bought via the iTunes Store... sorry, you're pretty much going to lose it, because the iPhone will sync with the new iTunes library on your new computer.

You'll probably have to redownload all of your apps, and likewise you'll probably have to go through each app and reconfigure your preferences to your liking. You'll also probably have to re-add your email accounts to Mail.

Photos are also a mystery, because photo syncing from an iPhone to Windows is hit or miss. Sometimes Windows registers the iPhone as a camera and won't let it sync photos to a folder, sometimes it doesn't.

Basically, back up everything as best you can, authorize your iTunes account on the new computer, recreate your library as best you can, and then plug and pray. And when you get your Mac, do yourself a favor: use Time Machine.
I'm not an expert on this, but I think your chances of keeping stuff will go up if you use a 'fresh' PC that hasn't been used to sync to any iPhone. But if you only have access to your fiance's laptop, then oh well. :/
As long as you choose to do an Upgrade instead of a Restore, you "should" maintain your current data as long as nothing goes wrong. I sync my iPhone with my Windows machine, but I did the iOS 4 upgrade a few weeks ago from my Mac Mini and avoided syncing with my Windows box until iTunes 9.2 for Windows came out.

I make no guarantees, as what worked for me may not for you, however this is the way an Upgrade is supposed to work.

Edit: This was with a 3GS and I did not lose any music, photos, or apps.
I think I found my solution. I just created a separate library on her PC [I know I'm going to lose the music]; authorized the computer; and I will backup / sync and update that way.

Thanks for the help.
If you authorize her laptop with your iTunes account before you plug in your phone I think it will just copy everything off the phone for you.
If you do need to backup your music, you can use Senuti (for Mac) or Sharepod (Free for Windows) to get the music off.