iPhone 5s users on iOS 10


[H]F Junkie
Aug 18, 2006
To the 5s users on iOS 10 - what's the verdict? Update or don't? I've seen generally good reports stating that performance has actually INCREASED? But then there are the usual people who seem to be having trouble too. So... Who here has updated to 10 on their 5s and likes it?
I updated to 10 on my 5S. It does seem faster, or at least performance is not negatively affected one bit.

My only complaint against iOS 10 comes from the unlocking procedure on my iPad, but that doesn't seem to affect my phone.
I'm going to wait a few versions in and then do my due diligence. But I like you have the same question on whether or not it's a wise idea to move to iOS10 on a 5S.
I don't think there is any negative effect. My girlfriend did it!
I'm running iOS 10 on an iPad mini 3 which is basically just a big iPhone 5S without a problem. I don't feel it runs any worse or better than iOS 9 did.
I think its about the same; performance wise.

I think the idea of it feeling faster is because they rewrote the rendering engine that displays the UI, so that is technically faster.
You can back out of apps before they load now, I think that's the biggest speed increase.
Based upon preliminary speed tests, the 5s is 5-10 seconds slower at everything with iOS10. I'm going to hold off. There maybe an update coming to optimize slower hardware. And if and when that happens I'll evaluate again.

Sticking with 9.3.5.
Based upon preliminary speed tests, the 5s is 5-10 seconds slower at everything with iOS10. I'm going to hold off. There maybe an update coming to optimize slower hardware. And if and when that happens I'll evaluate again.

Sticking with 9.3.5.

You timed it then? How did you revert back? By backing up your SH Blobs?
I didn't. I watched other people's videos. There are several speed tests already online. For the beta. For 10. And for 10.1. You can find them without much work.
I didn't. I watched other people's videos. There are several speed tests already online. For the beta. For 10. And for 10.1. You can find them without much work.

Okay - I'll get to looking. We just had our second child and most of my family upgraded to iOS 10 and started doing the "like-ing" and all kinds of crap on the group text thread and it annoyed the shit out of me. I tried to google some user experiences with it for iPhone 5S users but I didn't find any at the time, hence the thread. Looks like now that it's been out for a bit, people are posting their experiences.

I just didn't want another situation like with my wife's iPhone 4S or my iPhone 4. When I installed iOS 7 on the 4 that was the biggest mistake I ever made on my phones. Thankfully, we're still using iOS 8 on her 4S.
Ars Technica's analysis specifically for the 5 and 5C, but still a useful read.
iOS 10 is a pleasant surprise for the iPhone 5 and 5C

Cydia's test:
iOS 10 vs iOS 9.3.5 Speed Test
Cydia recommends the upgrade... which I guess is okay, provided you don't mind sacrificing a "small" amount of speed.

Here is another user based video, which is annoying to watch as it would be much better with commentary as well as timed stop watch tests in the comments or whatever. But it works:


Most people recommend the upgrade. But I'm in no hurry. They all acknowledge a speed loss but say it's worth it for the tradeoff in features. But to me, I think the opposite. There isn't such a massive software difference to make iOS 10 a "must have" upgrade. I'm content to wait and see like I said before if there will be an optimization update that speeds it all up. And if there isn't, I can stay on iOS 9.3.5.
I'm waiting a while for at least a couple of releases before upgrading my 5S. There isn't anything special that really helps my phone in regards to new features so waiting to see what happens to everyone else first is ok with me.
Just got a 32 GB 5s for the wife. Much better than the old 4s it replaced. iOS 10 seems to work pretty well, especially after you disable the visual goodies. Not bad.
On my 5S I just rolled back from 10.0.2 to 9.3.5 due to inconsistent battery utilization.

The phone is a backup phone so it's rarely used. I always keep it in Low Power Mode and have noticed, at times, battery dropping 1% per hour while in standby and all apps closed. Thing is, it doesn't do it all the time. Last weekend I kept the phone in the same spot and checked it over two days, recording the battery life. Sometimes I checked after 6 hours and it only dropped 2%. Later I checked after 6 hours and it dropped 6%. There's no explanation because the phone isn't moving and all the apps are closed. IOS 9 doesn't do this.

Part of the problem is Apple's battery history does not display "system" usage. It only shows user applications (Safari, Mail, Notifications, etc). I really wish Apple would list system process utilization on the battery screen because it does in fact use battery life, it's not just user applications that use battery life. Why hide this information?

For example, I charge the phone to 100% and leave it sitting for a week unused. When I come back it most certainly is not going to be 100%. I want the battery meter to show that whatever % is down is used by system resources. This would GREATLY improve the integrity and reliability of the battery life monitor.