Interesting temps...


Feb 16, 2005
Last night, before playing with the OC on my "new-to-me" A64 Clawhammer, I noticed my temps, were, well... odd.

I am used to seeing temps on my old rig (TBird 1333) around 53-60C. That was normal. ANd I was okay with that, as it ran beautifully, for what it was.

During the OS load, driver load, game load, all that fun stuff, my temps were around 29-32C, as reported in MSI Core Center. During some stability testing, and CSS gaming, my temps were 35-38C.

My case is an Antec Sonata. Vantec Stealth 120 on the abck, Vantec Stealth 120 on the front. The front pulls air in over the HDDs, nd the rear pushes it out. I have an AC Silencer64 installed w/ whatever thermal paste came with the Silencer64.

Even when I did preliminary OC testing last night, my temps never went above 38C.

Is this normal???
That is absolutely normal. The 90nm Venice 3000+ that I run hits only around 23-25C while oc'd.
I knew the A64s ran cooler, but I was concerned that possibly things were a bit jiggy on the mobo with temp readings like that. I was expecting 40-45C idle. So, I thought I would ask those with a bit more experience in the realm of A64s and temps.