Intellimouse 4.0a / XP *KNOWN ISSUE* problems


Jun 9, 2004
Hello.. new user here..

I'm running an intellimouse 4.0a usb mouse. XP pro, SP1 with all the goodies. Intellipoint 5.0 software.

The mouse randomly double clicks when I single click. It does it in safe mode as well, which leads me to believe it's some sort of a system setting. TweakUI / Intellipoint tweaks don't do anything, it just double clicks whenever it wants to. Probably about one every 4-6 clicks it does it. This has been the 3rd intellimouse (different generations, mind you) that has done this shit on XP Pro. .

I've found This link on the knowledge base at Microsoft. They pretty much state the obvious, i've done all of it on that page and it still wants to randomly double click. Please tell me i'm not the only person on the planet with this problem, and perhaps there is a solution. Any suggestions would be helpful. You have absolutely no idea how annoying this really is.
I can't say that i have noticed this problem yet while using my Intelli 4.0...

I hope i never do.
talk about a pain in the ass. i'm going thru folders on my system, it just decides to start opening / executing programs and what not. i don't even want to tell you what excel is like with this. I JUST GOT THIS MOUSE less than 3 weeks ago from
welp, just tried it on the other PC.. does the same shit. am I just cursed or something? If this never happened to anyone, they sure as hell wouldn't make a knowledge base article about it.
If you have followed the directions to isolating the problem on the Knowledge Base Article then most likely you just have a defective mouse and need to RMA it.

I kinda think there might be something you have installed on your machines thats causing this since you said you've had this problem before with other MS mice and because i havn't had this problem with my intelli 4.0 or other intelli mice that i've used.
I have the same issue with my Intellimouse explorer v1.0a but, I am very sure this is because this mouse is so old that the components are just worn out as it never did this when I first got it.

You might have a mouse with faulty components in it. I suggest returning it for another one.

I have 2 of them on 2 different systems running XP, SP1. The only difference is I don't install the software. Have you tried it sans software?
Yes.. i've tried it without the software, I believe it's a defective mouse, or some kind of funky setting in explorer (or otherwise) that's causing this. i don't really get what i could be installing that would be causing a mouse to do that. i have no resident programs running, it even does it in safe mode.