intel smart response like?


Apr 12, 2006
Any word if AMD is working on providing a similar feature? I wouldn't use it for my own computer, but for friend and family I like the idea.
I have not heard a word on this. Intel actually makes their own SSDs, so that gives them a major advantage towards developing this tech. On top of that as far as i know Intel is really the only major player using the SLC SSD instead of the standard MLC SSD due to certain advantages. AMD would likely have to partner with another SSD maker in order to develop this. No idea if it is really even worthwhile right now as it is still quite a niche, hell even the SSD market is a niche that is just starting to catch on.
Intel actually makes their own SSDs, so that gives them a major advantage towards developing this tech.

totally wrong. think amd can't buy an ssd to test with? amd is just behind. to answer the guy's question, no, amd does not have a comparable feature.
Any word if AMD is working on providing a similar feature? I wouldn't use it for my own computer, but for friend and family I like the idea.

They may or may not be. I don't know but we sure as hell won't see it until AMD develops a new south bridge. We might see one during the 990FX's lifetime. We just don't know at this point. AMD's north and south bridges aren't always released simultaneously, so you never know.

I have not heard a word on this. Intel actually makes their own SSDs, so that gives them a major advantage towards developing this tech. On top of that as far as i know Intel is really the only major player using the SLC SSD instead of the standard MLC SSD due to certain advantages. AMD would likely have to partner with another SSD maker in order to develop this. No idea if it is really even worthwhile right now as it is still quite a niche, hell even the SSD market is a niche that is just starting to catch on.

Intel's use of SLC vs. MLC drives has nothing to do with it. The technology works with either type of drive. SLC drives are simply better suited to the type of use and it will last a lot longer than MLC based flash will. AMD wouldn't need to partner with anyone. They'd just need to buy SLC or MLC drives to test with.

totally wrong. think amd can't buy an ssd to test with? amd is just behind. to answer the guy's question, no, amd does not have a comparable feature.

Correct. Whether or not AMD will catch up with a similar feature in a later south bridge remains to be seen. Technologically AMD has always been behind with their south bridges. They only reached parity with Intel in terms of USB performance with SB850. While AMD's SB850 and SB950 offer more SATA 6G ports, the SATA performance isn't quite there and their feature set isn't nearly as robust. While they've made great strides in recent years, AMD is still behind on that kind of technology and I don't see that changing any time soon. That being said, I wouldn't be shocked if AMD released a native USB 3.0 solution before Intel did. For whatever reason, Intel has dragged their feet on that.
On top of that as far as i know Intel is really the only major player using the SLC SSD instead of the standard MLC SSD due to certain advantages

What happened to Micron, Hitachi, Seagate, LSI, Fusion-io, Western Digital, and several others?
Intel's use of SLC vs. MLC drives has nothing to do with it. The technology works with either type of drive. SLC drives are simply better suited to the type of use and it will last a lot longer than MLC based flash will. AMD wouldn't need to partner with anyone. They'd just need to buy SLC or MLC drives to test with.

Hence why I said Intel uses SLC instead of MLC. The reason I said AMD should partner with an SSD maker would actually be to make SSDs specifically for a technology similar to Intel's. I can only find Intel SSDs that are using the SLC at the moment as they are not dime a dozen available at mainstream prices, so AMD cannot simply say here it is the tech use and not have a drive available. Unless AMD wants to add more money to Intel's pocket by making users buy their drives to use in AMD systems :rolleyes:.