Intel Mobo owners: Single 9800GX2 vs 2x 3870X2s in CrossfireX

May 15, 2006
I'm ready to buy a new card. I've got the itch so to speak; but I want to get the best graphics solution that my present system can support. (I will never, ever, never waste my money on another nVidia mobo). My current setup is no slouch and it runs almost every game I play plenty fast, but dammit I've got a hardware addiction.

My current system is:
Asus Maximus Formula
Intel E8400 OC'd to 4.0GHz
8800GTS 512
4GB (2x2 gb) Mushkin DDR2
TT Toughpower 850W
Vista64 Ultimate
I game on a Planar PX2611W @ 1920X1200

I was interested in buying the new GX2. Unlike a lot of people, my experience with the 7950GX2 I had was good overall (until it died anyway). Unfortunately the early information floating around the net about the 9800GX2 seem to paint a picture of a pretty underwhelming product.

So now Im considering 2x 3870 X2's in CF-X instead. What I want to know though, is this going to be the best we can do on an Intel mobo for the near future? How much faster would you guys guess that setup would be compared to a single 9800GX2? I play a wide range of games, some old and many new, and I try to play them all at the highest res and IQ possible. Right now I'm playing Vanguard: Saga of heroes (an MMO that uses the Unreal 3 engine) more than anything else and my 8800GTS just can't handle the game at the highest settings (I have to turn down a few things to stay above ~25fps or so in crowded towns and dungeons).

Obviously I'm not going to make a final decision until some actual reviews of the new 9800's start to show up but all early indications show that for intel mobo's the fastest graphics setup possible for the next several months is already on the market. What I do know for sure though is that I'm done playing the waiting game. I want the best I can get now. I can always upgrade later to a RV770 or GT200 or whatever, I don't care about the money. I just want the fastest solution without having to buy an nVidia mobo.
I am in your exact situaction with the same res.

A single GX2 will be faster than a 3870x2. (By what % faster we have to wait to see)

The current only way to go faster on an intel mobo than a GX2, would be 3 3870's in Crossfire I believe, or two 3870x2's. Not too sure on that.

I don't want to fill my mobo up with multiple GPU's, so the GX2 is our best answer so far until the new tech cards are released.

My 2 cents!