Installing windows 10 on 2015 era HP 15


Dec 18, 2016
I'm working on my coworkers laptop. Trying to speed it up for her. It has a failing HDD and win 10 home. I stuck an SSD In it and expected to reinstall windows. But it will not boot windows installer. It hangs on an HP screen and reboots... I eventually got the original hard disk booting off of a USB enclosure. I think my only option is cloning. The UEFI appears to be diagnostic only. Any ideas?
install ten on another system and then transplant the drive. just make sure the boot type is the same, legacy/ahci etc
I never thought of that. I cloned the drive and it works. Considering this laptop is worth all of $100 or so ( AMD A6, TN panel. pretty horrible . It does have 8gb of Ram though ) I think I'll leave it at that without going too much more into it
Sometimes the Secure boot/UEFI settings in the BIOS can cause USB booting issues. If I get that I switch on all the SBoot/UEFI settings and set USB to primary boot and try that. If no luck i switch off all the Secure Boot/UEFI stuff and use Legacy mode. Either works but sometimes it gets a mix as companies like HP do odd stuff from the factory.