Indie PC Game: "To The Moon"


[H]F Junkie
Oct 3, 2007
I just saw this and was wondering if anybody else has heard of it before?

The trailer was VERY well done I thought and the music captured the atmosphere perfectly I thought. So much emotion put into the musical score and it reminds me of the good old SNES days. I think I'll be keeping an eye on this as it seems to be kind of unique in a way.
looks interesting. These days I'm more keen on supporting the little guys than big corporations
*rides off on fixie, scarf flapping in the wind*

Fixie? I had to look that one up...

According to wikipedia, your "brakeless bicycle provides an outlet for minor rebellion."

You've aptly captured the sentiment...good one. I had a bike like that as a kid.

As for this game, I don't know much about it other than it's supposed to be highly story driven, and it's an 'RPG-maker" game.

Edit: Ah here, this is what I was talking about: - the comments section.

I like the idea of old-style RPGs as a nostalgic throwback. I preferred the cRPGs to the jRPGs (a few of which I liked). My latest nostalgic visit is with 1993's "Dark Sun: Shattered Lands," which I remember preferring over Chrono Trigger (which I always thought was good, but overrated). I wonder if there are any modern games like that...hmm
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I play "To The Moon." You've probably never heard of it. The graphics and gameplay are a little too artistic and raw for most people to understand anyway. If you don't know about it already, you'll probably never care.

*rides off on fixie, scarf flapping in the wind*

Haha, I have no idea what a fixie is. But seriously, I don't know too much regarding the premise of this game, but that trailer was pretty damn well done.
I play "To The Moon." You've probably never heard of it. The graphics and gameplay are a little too artistic and raw for most people to understand anyway. If you don't know about it already, you'll probably never care.

*rides off on fixie, scarf flapping in the wind*

Well the only thing I know about this game is whats in this thread and that linked page. So I didn't understand what he meant by "hipster graphics" with the information available.
Chrono Trigger? The hipster graphics are a turnoff.

Hipster graphics? You mean "Looks like an SNES game"? The reason for that is it is made with RPGMaker XP. RPGMaker is a program that does just what its name implies: Provides you the tools and game engine to make RPGs. It is an overhead, sprite based, engine and thus has a look and feel similar to the SNES era RPGs, though with a higher rez and amount of colours.
Games like these push the medium forward and do so in a way that is often affordable and aesthetically pleasing for an indie studio. They have a unique story to tell and don't need Modern Warfare 3 graphics to do it; nor would those graphics necessarily better the product were they available. I've not played it yet, but I definitely will.

This is definitely a "Games as Art" entry and some people don't like those but if you do, it looks like it has some pretty neat talent behind it.
It's a requirement to wear a scarf while playing this game.
This looks great!! The real deciding factor though is going to be how good the writing is. I would definitely like to support the devs though for making such a game.
Looks like it could be an interesting game. I like the retro art style myself, don't see why some would call it 'hipster' TBH.
Looks like it could be an interesting game. I like the retro art style myself, don't see why some would call it 'hipster' TBH.

Same here. The art style and music is pretty captivating for what its worth.
Man, the [H]ipster community on this forum is definitely lacking.

Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm gonna go drink some Pabst and read Pitchfork while growing my ironic mustache. brb.
I picked this up yesterday and stayed up all night playing. Best story I've experienced in a long time. A lot of LOL moments, good buildup, and a solid ending. I'm a rather hard man by most standards, but this even managed to get a few tears from me. I want to give this thread a bump so more can take a look at this gem. (not affiliated with the game company in any way, just really enjoyed it) There's a demo too, so check it out if you want something a bit different.
I was on the fence, but your comment made me buy it. Brb Playing to the Moon.
Took me about 6 hours to play sucked in and lost track of time. Not much replayability, but I was happy with what I got. Now it's back to BF3 for me!

PS: KenG10 - how'd ya like it?
It got glowing reviews at Rock Paper Shotgun,

To The Moon takes on old age, regret, mental health, and love. It’s about the role of ambition versus reality, and what’s worth sacrificing. It’s a properly funny comedy, and a hanky-requiring tragedy. Games this effective are rare beasts, and when it’s disguised by such simple graphics (albeit with wonderful animation, and such detail), old-school Japanese RPG presentation (something it brilliantly jokes about very early on), no voice acting, nor photo-realistic expressions, it’s something of a feat. What it does have, however, is incredible music by creator Gao, including a perfectly used piano refrain that so brilliantly scores much of the game. When there’s so much meaning to be found just in the choice of notes used in the music, you know you’re onto something special. And at the end there’s a song by Laura Shigihara. (Oh, and in my first post about the game I made a snide remark about wishing one game’s theme didn’t have a single strain of a violin in it. I’d just like to say that I’m a wrong idiot, since a single strain of a violin caused my second bout of sobbing – its use was extraordinary.)

To The Moon is incredibly special. I implore people to play it.
Glad you guys enjoyed it! I've been backlogged for some time.. I'm going to get it soon enough!
The site let's you stream the soundtrack, sounded pretty good. At some points I'll try this game out, especially since it sounds short and sweet.
Fixie? I had to look that one up...

According to wikipedia, your "brakeless bicycle provides an outlet for minor rebellion."

You've aptly captured the sentiment...good one. I had a bike like that as a kid.

Will this run at 2560x1600 at full screen? Need to knowwwwwwwwwwww

From what I can tell, it runs at 640x480 and nothing else. It will scale up to your monitor if you run full screen. Also, it will stretch to the aspect ratio of your monitor, so be careful. You will need to check the settings on your monitor to disable stretching when displaying 4:3 things full screen.

PS: KenG10 - how'd ya like it?

I'm about 4 hours in. So far I am enjoying the story and the soundtrack. There is some real high quality writing here. Its managed, so far, to get a few chills and 'not-so-dry' eyes out of me. Can't wait to see how it ends.
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Blubikins - my monitor's native res is 2560 x 1600, and like Ken said it will run at 640 x 480 but scale up and looks fine on the 30inches.
I like the style, but it seems a little goofy for my tastes.
So wait, something becomes hipster if any hipsters think it's obscure?

"Yeah, I'm from this forum called HardForum... you've probably never heard of it..."

OMFG, everyone commit internet suicide now!
Just got around to beating this game. Excellent! I liked how the story telling was done.
I'm resurrecting an ancient thread because this "game" has been in my head ever since I finished it 6 or so months ago. To The Moon reached me like most things can't and I will forever love it for it.
I just finished to the moon. The writing was really inspired. Its the best game i have played in the past few months.

the graphics kinda turned me off for a while, but my friend convinced me to pick it up. and i am glad he did.

To the moon is a great example of how you don't need amazing graphics or even decent graphics to make a good game. if the story is good enough that's all that really matters.
Maybe I'll pick this up on the next sale. Looked at it but wasn't super interested, though it sounds like a lot of people really liked it.