Independant Monitors?


Jun 7, 2004
I just recently tried out multiple monitors and instantly fell in love with it but I only really have one problem,

When I play a game the #1 monitor displays the game fine and the other monitor displays the desktop but when I click on somehting the program minimizes on the #1 display. I do have the screens on extend my desktop.

I was wondering if their is some way to make it so that I could manipulate the desktop while playing the game on the other display?
Would I need another PCI vid card to do this?

Also is there any advantage to using an extra pci vid card as aposed to just running them both from the agp card with an adapter?

Display: 2x LG Flatron F700P
OS: XP home
Vid Card: Asus AX800pro
I am not sure if what you want to do is possible.
I'll sometimes disable the second display with Ultramon when I play a game just so that the mouse doens't go over that and minimize my game.

Running games with the second display active may reduce the power of the card on a dual head card, so just disable it when gaming.

I used to run an AGP and PCI card, but the PCI was older, A Matrox Millenium II and it worked great for the second display unless I was playing a full screen video on that display, then it would stutter.
I put in a Radeon 7000 with dual head and it played videos on both screens at the same time with no problems, and that is a slow card.