In Japan and need some info...


Jun 30, 2004
Ok so here I am in Japan, living for the semester. I am looking to buy a USB TV tuner for my lappy, but I want to be able to take it back to the States if I am going to pay good money for it. The language is not a problem, but I want to make sure that the signal I will be getting in the states will be compatible.

I know that the States and Japan both use NTSC-M so besides that is there anything that I should look for?

By the way, Yodobashi Camera is the greatest electronics store in the world, along with the shopping district Akihabara. Unfortunately most brands here are not in the States and vise versa, but I can read the specs and just need to know what to look for. Thanks in advance for any help I get on this one.
what about the ati usb wonder? i hear the picture quality is pretty lousy, but the price isnt bad.
Thank you for the post, however that particular model is not here as far as I have seen...
Thank you for the suggestion about Hauppauge, but unfortuneately they are not in Japan... Check their website for their region coverage.. Though, that looks like a great piece of equipment.