In 4 yr., we'll retire SSD?

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
HP announce that in 4 yr., they're introducing bubble memory like technology (I forgot the fancy name), so there is no more boot up time.

You turn on the computer, you see your OS instantly, so if we don't need boot up, won't SSD becomes an interim 4 yr. solution?
I think the price of each type of drives will still meant that there's a need for SSD.

Just like current SSD situation, all I can afford is an 80GB drive, large enough for running the OS on some common apps off it. But for my Steam folder where most of my games are, its more than 200GB at the moment, therefore its hardly practical to spend on a 300GB SSD just for the games.

If that technology takes off, they will probably be just large enough for the OS, while high capacity SSD will probably be affordable where we can start using them for gaming purposes.

Nevertheless that would be amazing for OS, I hope it takes off in the near future.
I am pretty sure when this was announced a few months ago that HP was targeting SSDs directly (price and capacity) on top of the ram modules that are nonvolatile.
An SSD with memristors is still an SSD. No need to panic.

Yeah but marketing will require it to be labelled differently to not confuse people.
How about the Super Speed Sustained Storage Solis State Drive


HP's Announced Resistor Derivative Data Recorded Indexed Volume Enclosure?
No boot up time ? Well, tell that to my mobo and its USB, Intel SATA, Marvell SATA, JMicron SATA, Ethernet, and other controllers and all my PCIe cards that have BIOSses too, those take forever during boot and have nothing to do with the speed of my SSD.
In four years HP will introduce bubble like memory, cheap OLED will be everywhere, and male pattern baldness will be cured. Instant on sounds like a pipe dream.
you didn't read the fine more boot time only applies to those that don't shut down their PC's...if ya never turn it off then ya got your instant-on PC
HP announce that in 4 yr., they're introducing bubble memory like technology (I forgot the fancy name), so there is no more boot up time.

You turn on the computer, you see your OS instantly, so if we don't need boot up, won't SSD becomes an interim 4 yr. solution?

Yes when HP vapor memory descends from heaven in a little white box everyone will immediately throw their SSD's away, just like we all did with spinning disks. Nevermind we're talking about the same HP that along with their new bug eyed CEO keep changing their minds on even continuing in the PC market from one day to the next.
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Yeah but marketing will require it to be labelled differently to not confuse people.
How about the Super Speed Sustained Storage Solis State Drive


HP's Announced Resistor Derivative Data Recorded Indexed Volume Enclosure?

S^6D sounds cool. :rolleyes:

No boot up time ? Well, tell that to my mobo and its USB, Intel SATA, Marvell SATA, JMicron SATA, Ethernet, and other controllers and all my PCIe cards that have BIOSses too, those take forever during boot and have nothing to do with the speed of my SSD.

Why not just disable a few of those, assuming they aren't in use. :confused: