Import only some photos?


Sep 26, 2003
Is it possible to import only a few photos off my camera in Iphoto? I have one pic i want to get off of it, but 477 pics from my trip that i already transferred. I know there is an option to not download doubles, but it still takes a really long time to get tothe one i want. Is this at all possible? It seems like a really bad design flaw, something i wouldn't expect from apple.
Close iPhoto, open Image Capture. Select picture. Save to desktop. Put the picture wherever you want it.
just browse to the picture you want, drag it to iPhoto...Done!

I know, it so simple most people over look it :)
iphoto buddy also lets you have multiple albums which is great. that way you can have one for "snapshots" and one for serious photography etc.
iphoto buddy also lets you have multiple albums which is great. that way you can have one for "snapshots" and one for serious photography etc.

iPhoto 6 lets you do the same thing, can't remember how though, I think you hold option when you launch iPhoto and it'll give you the option to create a new album or choose an album.

I don't see how that's relative to his question though :confused: