I'm bummed out 69xx series is 11'3 Long


Jan 17, 2008
Well...I would have loved a 6970, but @ 11'3 it's 3" too long for my Antec 300 case. Do you think as time goes by that a manufacturer will make revised 6970 that will be shorter?

My 6870 is fine @ the moment. Any insight?
letting a 60 dollar case dictate your upgrade path seems a little silly to me.

different strokes I guess.
why do people measure to the hd cage when cards can easily extend into that part of the case? it will fit as long as you dont have your hard drive right in front of it. did you really think all Antec 300 owners only use 8 inch cards???

6870 to 6970 is only about a 25% performance increase though.
I had the same thing happen when I got my 5870 in my thermaltake shark case. I decided 400+ dollar video card > cheap case so I bought a new case although dremel was a possiblity.

That's what I did for my 5870 in my old case :eek:

Also, 11.3" is 3" too long ?? That case must be tiny as hell. IRC, the 5870 was about the same length and it was only about 1/2-1" too long for my old case and my old case was pretty small.
I would just take a 4.5" angle grinder with a cutting blade and be done with it.

jeez people he does not need to cut anything.

EDIT: oops I was thinking of a different case because a card cant fit all the way inside that area.

it does say "Maximum video card size: 11.5 in/29.2 cm (Note: some video cards may block access to the adjacent hard drive bay)" so it should still fit though.
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That's what I like about my case. The drive cage can mounted in the front of the computer, anywhere from the top to the bottom of the chassis. If a card is too long, I just move my drive cage higher up in the case and open up another 8-9" of available space for a long video card.
Any idea how long it is without the stock cooler?

Think the HD5870 with the cooler removed was 10.5"?

Believe I should be good even at 11.3", but it will be tight. Would suck to have to mount one of my rads elsewhere.
Any idea how long it is without the stock cooler?

Think the HD5870 with the cooler removed was 10.5"?

Believe I should be good even at 11.3", but it will be tight. Would suck to have to mount one of my rads elsewhere.

Your not going to lose much length. The stock cooler on my 6870 only hangs about 50mm (.5cm or about 3/16in ) from the PCB and since they both have the same stock reference design I would assume the 69** are no different.
Your not going to lose much length. The stock cooler on my 6870 only hangs about 50mm (.5cm or about 3/16in ) from the PCB and since they both have the same stock reference design I would assume the 69** are no different.

I'd assume the same. The HD5800/HD5770 had a batmobile style cooler that extended out to a point, but the HD6800/HD6900 series cooler is boxy, and doesn't extend out like the HD5xxx series batmobile coolers did.
I'd assume the same. The HD5800/HD5770 had a batmobile style cooler that extended out to a point, but the HD6800/HD6900 series cooler is boxy, and doesn't extend out like the HD5xxx series batmobile coolers did.

Ya exactly, also I prefer the look of the box design more.
Your not going to lose much length. The stock cooler on my 6870 only hangs about 50mm (.5cm or about 3/16in ) from the PCB and since they both have the same stock reference design I would assume the 69** are no different.

Damn, well I think I'll be good either way with the length without having to rearrange things, but we'll see when I can get a waterblock.
Why did the video card PCB have to be so long I wonder.
AMD has been going with longer and longer cards lately.
The 5870 was above average length at 11.1" and the 5970 was simply monstrous at 12.2".
The 6970 is 11.3" and what 20% faster? Did they really need that much more circuitry space to handle that?
Things that make you go hmmm.
You could check out the cases & case mod forum , when i bought my 5870 i had the problem of fitting it into Antec Sonata III case (did get it in but it wasn't something which i could live with). There some threads about what will fit and what won't , 5870 is about as long. I ended up buying a coolermaster HAF 922.
I use a tech bench. Basically an open square. The card can be 36". lol Seriously though.
Why did the video card PCB have to be so long I wonder.
AMD has been going with longer and longer cards lately.
The 5870 was above average length at 11.1" and the 5970 was simply monstrous at 12.2".
The 6970 is 11.3" and what 20% faster? Did they really need that much more circuitry space to handle that?
Things that make you go hmmm.

whaddya mean? It draws much more power. Also to be considered in PCB design is the cooler.

Obviously, someting went wrong for AMD, if you read the "real reason why HD6900 was delayed" thread :p
is it really 11.3" long? I checked [H]'s and Anand's review and both report a 10.5" length.
Well...I would have loved a 6970, but @ 11'3 it's 3" too long for my Antec 300 case. Do you think as time goes by that a manufacturer will make revised 6970 that will be shorter?

My 6870 is fine @ the moment. Any insight?

Id never let a case get in the was of progress,get a HAF 922 or something along them lines would do you nicely..:)
I have to say, it is pretty frigging long. I was shocked because I had to do some cable rerouting and removed a fan casing from the interior of the case chassis and it looks just monstrous next to my dinky 4890. I'm glad I went for my case and not one of the smaller, cheaper ones I was considering because that thing still just barely fit.
My non-ref 5870 fits snug, & I do think the 6970 should just fit in. Myself this was my first ground up build & doing no research on a case will net you these problems and that's what we get for taking the cheap route. I doubt well see a shorter card & if we do the next radeon will be around the corner.
WTF I'm confused, everything I've read shows the 6950/6970 is only 10.5 inches long. I think your 6970 is a bit excited OP, no more viagra sprinkles on the PCB :D

The Radeon HD 6970 and Radeon HD 6950 are completely identical in size, shape, form, and all aspects visually. They are both 10.5 inches long. The only difference is that the 6970 requires one 8-pin and one 6-pin connector, while the 6950 requires two 6-pin connectors.

Source http://www.hardocp.com/article/2010/12/14/amd_radeon_hd_6970_6950_video_card_review
I would like to thank everyone for thier replies (well most) I measured my case & as another poster mentioned, the Antec 300 can take a VC @ 11.5" Ok...I feel like an idiot! I ordered-up a 6970 last night from NG. Looks like it will just fit & the power inputs are @ the top of the card which will help for room.
my gtx260 is 10.5 inches and I have plenty of room left in the 300 case. even if the 6970 was just over 11 inches you would be fine since the connectors are on the side.