Illinois Law Requires Students To Turn Over Facebook Passwords

After reading this thread, I just read it again and it seems to imply something different than how some people here are interpreting it.

That only says that state law requires the school notify parents that their children may be asked to provide their passwords to the school. So the law only addresses the notification of parents, rather than allowing the school the rights to attendee's passwords.

Don't you dare bring facts into this circlejerk! What are you thinking? :D

Most people just want another thing to be riled up about--it maybe a silly law but unless someone proves otherwise (instead of just blowing hot air like most people in here are), it is purely voluntary so there's no "Constitutional trampling" or "rights violations" like the hysterics in here seem to allege.
As a resident of IL I will be teaching my daughter to never give up her passwords to anything.

Her school can go fuck itself. If there is a criminal matter at hand call the police and let them do their job.

Fucking twats.

I agree. Im going to sit down and show my daughter exactly what you can do with social media, email addresses, pictures with gps coords, etc. etc.. Any time she is questioned about my refusal to provide an email address with her full name for school, or a request for anything, she is going to tell them. Talk to my daddy, he said i cant give that to you, even If i have to join the church of whatever the fuck to add another layer of privacy through religion, i will even do that to protect her. Her entire future could be easily destroyed by one picture or one post that will stay with her FOREVER, and that future employers will get ahold of.
You shouldn't be allowed to use social media until you turn 21.

I have to agree with this. Then again, i have been online since 1992, and a forum site with fake address name etc. is as close to social media as i have ever used anyway.

On top of that, I don't think we should be trying to wipe out bullying in school. It's a nice notion and all but I think it would be catastrophic if we were to succeed. If we wiped it out and kids spent the first 18 years without learning how to deal with it, they are going to get a very rude awakening when they get tossed into the real world.

Perhaps if kids went their first 18 years without being allowed to bully others, maybe they would learn it's not socially acceptable?

Or we could just continue to let kids get bullied until they come into school with guns to solve what you don't seem to consider a problem. That approach sure seems to be working out well so far... /s
I was about to ask how this can even be legal and then I realized this is an actual law that went into effect on January 1st in Illinois. :eek:

I don't really understand this law. If there's a threat, aren't there people at the school (people who presumably have reported it to school officials) that can see the posts? If so, that should be enough for the school to act and if not, it's certainly enough to bring in police if there's a crime.

I don't see why they need my password (not that I'm in school). I suspect the first time they try to enforce it, there will be a lawsuit. I expect the ACLU and EFF to jump in to defend them and take it to the SCOTUS.

Honestly, I'm not even sure how the school has any jurisdiction, unless the kid was on school property when the post was made or it was a threat against the school...and again, if that's the case, then whoever reported it must have access to the post. Hell, by the time the kid turns over the PW, the incriminating evidence would be erased.
And I would tell that judge, principal, or police office to politely FUCK OFF!

I hate Facebook and its ilk, but will defend to the end the right of someone to use it without oppressive overreach of our government.
would have been shocked had i not already faced an even worse facebook dillemma.

how to delete your account without jumping through hoops...