IE9 CSS layering issues


Jun 28, 2002
I am not a web developer. I can do some .net/vb stuff when I need to, but when it comes to css and making things show up when and where I want to, I am pretty incompetent.

I host a site ( for a customer of mine, and they are having an issue with a hover menu showing up right in IE9. It is a DotNetNuke site with a skin that they picked out a while ago. Evidently, they have recently upgraded to IE9 and noticed that the hover menus are displaying under the other elements instead of on top where they should be. It works fine in Chrome and FF.

I have played around with z-index on the submenus section in css, but it hasn't made any difference that I can see. What else can I try?

I appreciate any suggestions.
I would read up on z-indexing. It is not a simple concept. Playing around with it will not get you far if you don't understand it.

The issue might or might not be a z-index issue, too. If you have any flash pieces on the page some browsers "bug out" and display the html content improperly (wmode?).
There are no flash pieces on the page, so I don't think that would be the cause.

As I mentioned, I don't know a lot about css or z-indexes, which is why I asked for assistance. I can make the menus 'disappear' by giving them a -1 value, but giving them a 9999 value still doesn't bring them to the front.

Edit: Check that, the -1 only works on chrome/ff. No change in IE9
I haven't had a chance to spend much time on this, but haven't figured anything out. Any more suggestions?
Just looked into it. Didn't know you have posted a link.

On the homepage, you have a class called "DnnModule". It's relatively positioned with a z-index of 902.

If you remove the z-index & positioning, the problem solves itself and doesn't seem to break anything at first glance.

However, if the positioning truly matters for other elements using that class, you must position the menu "td" relatively and also and give it a higher z-index.
Hey, thanks. I wasn't looking in the default.css file, as I was more concerned with the menu classes instead of the module classes that were showing up in front of them. I guess that shows my familiarity with this stuff. I can't find any issues after removing the DNNModule class, so I think I will let it roll like that unless something crops up. Thanks again!