IC7-G USB2 problem


Feb 28, 2001
Ok... here goes, maybe someone here will have some ideas.

I've had my IC7-G for almost a year now. Last night I upped the bios from v23 to v27, and swapped CPU's from a 3.2C to a 3.4E, and to put the computer into a different case. After that was done, everything seemed to be working fine.... until I plugged in my printer (USB 2) and I got that fun little message in windows about a High Speed USB device being plugged into a Non-High Speed USB Hub. I then checked all the usb ports with the printer, and got the same thing.

I checked through the bios if there were any settings to enable/disable USB2, but I didn't see anyting (doesn't mean I couldn't have missed it tho)

I removed all the USB devices in the device manager and shutdown/restarted the PC hoping that windows Xp would re-detect the USB stuff correctly, this didn't seem to work either.

I even got on Windows Update :rolleyes: with very faint hopes that it would tell me there is a USB driver to install.

Any help would be appreciated......

This may sound stupid.. but it is a USB 2.0 Cable right???? As silly as it sounds it does make a difference.... and you used intels INF setup and not let windows use its own INF for the chipset files... I do not have the IC7-G at the moment since mine blew up... but I can check my Max3 which is almost the same.... after i get out of work...

hope this helps some
Yup.. the cables are all usb 2. Everyting was working fine as usb2. Mabye my printer is acting up.... I'll try a different usb2 device.