iBook Upgrade path


Mar 6, 2003
My sister has an apple iBook from about 3yrs ago, 700mhz, 20gb Hd, 256mb memory. Its a beautiful computer and so soooo reliable. But its beginning to be a bit long in the tooth, so I was wondering what all upgrades I can do to it, aside from ram and bigger hd (which would help ALOT).
that is going to be about it...the CPU is soldered on the board and you can't just swap it out...but you will be suprised at how much of a peformance you will get with a simple RAM upgrade
i believe ur limited to hd (supposedly murder to change) and ram, not really much you can do. maybe upgrade to superdrive, but thats a different story. not really much upgrades to do, unless you buy a new one ;)
What you can upgrade:
Add a AirPort card

What you can't upgrade
everything else

TH3F4T4LON3 said:
maybe upgrade to superdrive, but thats a different story. not really much upgrades to do, unless you buy a new one ;)
Are there superdrives for portables that tray load?
You can upgrade the optical drive too and overclock the processor.
sigmend said:
What you can upgrade:
Add a AirPort card

What you can't upgrade
everything else

Are there superdrives for portables that tray load?

im not sure if it works, but one of those thin notebook tray loaded drives might work, but im not sure if the optical drive on the macs are standard or not, if its standard, you can probably use a tray load
you put another 512 chip in that ibook and it'll be a whole new machine, you max out the ram and you'll be good for quite awhile. If absolutely necessary get a 5400rpm 80gig laptop drive and max out the ram and that ibook will be good for years to come. :D
liquidtrance123 said:
you put another 512 chip in that ibook and it'll be a whole new machine, you max out the ram and you'll be good for quite awhile. If absolutely necessary get a 5400rpm 80gig laptop drive and max out the ram and that ibook will be good for years to come. :D

Sounds good to me, got a good (reliable, inexpensive, fast) source for the parts?
Specs on my G3 700 IBook

700Mhz Processor (Overclocked to 800 at times)
640mb Ram
Airport 802.11b
60GB 5400RPM Hitachi HD
DVDRW Toshiba Tray Drive

Runs awesome, great little computer.

Things you can upgrade.

Logic Board (up to 900mhz G3)
Hard Drive
Optical Drive

I am currently working on determining exact information between the G4 1.2 Logic board and my current G3 one. I am probably going to replace the logic board instead of buying a new laptop
James Crivellone said:
I am currently working on determining exact information between the G4 1.2 Logic board and my current G3 one. I am probably going to replace the logic board instead of buying a new laptop

Ok if you figure this out you gotta post the info. This could be interesting.
braidman said:
Sounds good to me, got a good (reliable, inexpensive, fast) source for the parts?
well i bought my 512mb chip retail @ microcenter so it was more expensive, but if you buy one, buy Simpletech / Corsair or / Crucial