i7 5820k, Asus X99-E WS, EK Supremacy Evo, LD PC-V4 Test Bench, and more

Nice looking setup. What case is that?
Appreciate it! It's the Inwin 909. I've owned quite a few high end chassis from different manufacturers, but the 909 is my favorite. Inwin does a really great job with aesthetics and build quality.
Damn! Wish I hadn't seen it! Did a little surfing to find out more and these are sweet looking cases. I've never been brave enough to go with liquid cooling but yours looks really nice, and is fitting for a case like that.
Damn! Wish I hadn't seen it! Did a little surfing to find out more and these are sweet looking cases. I've never been brave enough to go with liquid cooling but yours looks really nice, and is fitting for a case like that.

Thanks for the kind words! Totally understand why you're weary of custom liquid cooling. I used to be the same way. Nowadays it's a really solid, safe option, mainly due to the quality and variety of options on the market. I've never experienced a leak or hardware failure in one of my systems (knock on wood) so I've been really happy with my experience over the years. Somewhat surprisingly, I've had more issues with aio coolers than custom loops, mainly in the form of dead pumps or fan/led problems. Anyway, if you ever get the urge to try it out I say go for it. My biggest problem with it so far has been the hole in my wallet left over from the constant tinkering and upgrading parts lol