i5 2500k burnt?


Limp Gawd
Aug 28, 2010
My computer didn't post when I booted it up. I suspected the mobo was the problem, then I saw this. There's a dark spot, top right hand corner of the CPU. What do you guys think? burnt?

its a little hard to see in the picture, sorry I used my camera phone. It's really darker IRL

if it was only your cpu, your board would still give an error code ("cpu init", etc.). check the socket for burn marks. If your chip was heavily overclocked and making bad contact in the socket, it can cause such a problem.

Obviously if your board doesn't even spin the case fans it's likely the cpu is fine and the board is in need of replacement. PSU could also be a problem. You'll need spare parts to test.
alot of cpu's ive had had those spots, and they all worked perfectly.. it really is hard to fry a cpu unless you do something stupid
never overclocked, though its an SFF. everything starts up normally, just doesn't boot up. It must be the motherboard then. thanks
When you say boot, you mean no post or anything? I would pull out the RAM and video card to see if you get any post codes. (Beeping) If you do, count them. That will point you in a direction.
LordleeCH give you some good troubleshooting tips but if you need to you can give our technical support a call at 916-377-7000 and they would be happy to see if they can help you out.