I would like to play Starfield


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
Starfield seems like a game I’d like to play. Watched some videos and looks right up my liking.

I do not have anything I can play it on.

Is the least inexpensive and easiest way to get an Xbox disk less and do a digital copy? I don’t need game pass or anything like that (nor do I want game pass).

I do not need a computer at all, but can I get one that’ll play it well for $300?

Or is getting a Steam deck better?
Why buy the game when you can play it on gamepass?
Steam Deck it does not run as well on, but you could try. I would personally not get it on console, as you would miss out on all of the Modding, which I believe will be the big difference-maker for this game.
Back when I was more resource-restricted, I scoured Ebay for used corporate towers, did my due diligence to make sure they were upgradeable, and grabbed one along with a cheap GPU and some extra RAM and SSD.
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Steam Deck it does not run as well on, but you could try. I would personally not get it on console, as you would miss out on all of the Modding, which I believe will be the big difference-maker for this game.
Good point, forgot about modding! What is your current pc, OP?
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I do not need a computer at all, but can I get one that’ll play it well for $300?

$300 doesn't get you much of a computer at all. Get the Xbox Series X for $500 if you are really limited on money, maybe wait for a Black Friday bundle which they typically do every year. Even with used PC parts, I doubt you can get something that does an equal job of running Starfield at that price.
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Right now I have a PS5 with the VR and whatever Sony GamePass. I also have a PS4 for remote play (same wifi network). I have an Apple Studio (the one with the M1 chipset).

With the release of Starfield, I really do not have anything to play it on. Money isnt tight, but I do not want to waste it either. I am literally buying something just to play this one game. I have limited time to play, so it could take me a year to really get anywhere in the game. That is why I would prefer NOT to have a monthly charge for the game.

Of course, part of me is saying. F it, you dont need to waste any more time playing video games.
Xbox series S @ $250 might be your best bet.

I'd say a Xbox Series S would be the way to go, even with a Series X you won't break that 30 fps barrier.

Just looking at the specs on the official site. Would the series S not be able to play the game at 4k? Is the series S limited to 1440p? Thats just a step up from the Steam Deck. I incorrectly assumed they would both be 4k capable.
Just looking at the specs on the official site. Would the series S not be able to play the game at 4k? Is the series S limited to 1440p? Thats just a step up from the Steam Deck. I incorrectly assumed they would both be 4k capable.

Yeah, 1440p is the Series S 'target' - however it's supposed to have an excellent upscaler.
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Right now I have a PS5 with the VR and whatever Sony GamePass. I also have a PS4 for remote play (same wifi network). I have an Apple Studio (the one with the M1 chipset).

With the release of Starfield, I really do not have anything to play it on. Money isnt tight, but I do not want to waste it either. I am literally buying something just to play this one game. I have limited time to play, so it could take me a year to really get anywhere in the game. That is why I would prefer NOT to have a monthly charge for the game.

Of course, part of me is saying. F it, you dont need to waste any more time playing video games.

If money isn't an object I would get a decent gaming PC. If you really think you will never get into gaming much and this is the only game that remotely interests and you think you might not even play it much after buying it, Series X.
I would wait for it to go on sale. $70 for a FO4 reskin is what I am seeing from reviews. Mods and DLCs will maybe make it better, remains to be seen.
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I would wait for it to go on sale. $70 for a FO4 reskin is what I am seeing from reviews. Mods and DLCs will maybe make it better, remains to be seen.

I’m sure Mods will be nice, I’ve never used any mods in Fallout (any of them) and Skyrim. Although, I have been tempted . . . .
DLC will be good.

What does FO4 mean?
If you can wait it out- I would do that. You will have a much better experience when it's all patched up with hundreds of mods and it will be much cheaper. I never experienced a Fallout game till Fallout 4. I actually bought the game years after it was released- game of the year edition. I enjoyed it and didn't experience any of the bugs and jank during launch plus there were thousands of mods to add to they experience. I enjoyed it alot. Wish I would have done that with Cyberpunk 2077- pre-order and put 10 hours into and have not touch it since. It left a sour taste in my mouth and I'm just not going back to it until I literally have no other games to play.
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Waiting it out is not a bad idea if you are in the process of playing other games and your time is full. I figure the Steam Winter sale might get you 25% off but not likely more than that. Next Steam Summer sale (2024) will get you 50% or more I'm thinking.

Mods will be coming out continuously but the really good mods that add quests and storylines will take longer. Think 2024 and longer. Whatever you think of Starfield it is going to have a long life like Skyrim due to the modding community. Just my own opinion here.
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It's never a good idea to buy a Bethesda RPG on release. They lean very hard on modders to make their games good. I'm not talking about bug fixes but really basic QoL etc.