I Need an Action+Story Driven Game for the Wife


May 21, 2001
Based on these 3 games.
The Last of Us
Mass Effect

My wife LOVES all three of the above and it would be hard for her to pick a favorite. She loved Uncharted 4 so much that she went and bought 1, 2 and 3, and then The Lost Legacy when it came out. She finished them a while ago and now she is doing them all over again.

Mass Effect she has played (all of them) multiple times, then she bought and read the books.

I would really like to find her something else to enjoy. All three of the games above have 2 major things in common. They are story driven, with some action. No micro-management, no leveling up, no real "quest and side quests", just a mission with a story and some killing in between.

If you know of a game, then please let me know.

Thank you.
Based on these 3 games.
The Last of Us
Mass Effect

My wife LOVES all three of the above and it would be hard for her to pick a favorite. She loved Uncharted 4 so much that she went and bought 1, 2 and 3, and then The Lost Legacy when it came out. She finished them a while ago and now she is doing them all over again.

Mass Effect she has played (all of them) multiple times, then she bought and read the books.

I would really like to find her something else to enjoy. All three of the games above have 2 major things in common. They are story driven, with some action. No micro-management, no leveling up, no real "quest and side quests", just a mission with a story and some killing in between.

If you know of a game, then please let me know.

Thank you.
God of War. The boy has a little micro managing but mostly issue command to use his special attacks that are on a cool down. Your level is based off the gear you get and a skill tree. Nothing to complicated. The story is oh so worth it tho. You can pretty much ignore all the side quest also bit I wouldn't recommend it.
Based on these 3 games.
The Last of Us
Mass Effect

My wife LOVES all three of the above and it would be hard for her to pick a favorite. She loved Uncharted 4 so much that she went and bought 1, 2 and 3, and then The Lost Legacy when it came out. She finished them a while ago and now she is doing them all over again.

Mass Effect she has played (all of them) multiple times, then she bought and read the books.

I would really like to find her something else to enjoy. All three of the games above have 2 major things in common. They are story driven, with some action. No micro-management, no leveling up, no real "quest and side quests", just a mission with a story and some killing in between.

If you know of a game, then please let me know.

Thank you.
Metro 2033 + LL
I'd say the Tomb Raider series would be a good choice too. God of War would be a great choice.

I'm not sure about Horizon Zero Dawn just because it's so open ended (she appears to enjoy games with a more linear path.)
Out of the recommendations here:

God of War is probably your best bet.
I think Tomb Raider as well although I haven't played the latest games and I'm not sure how amny side quests are there.
Metro series is also lots of fun. Filled with tension and horror.

While The Witcher 3 is a great game it's definitely not the type of the game she's asking for (no side quests). The Witcher 3 has tons of it and you can easily get lost trying to do everything. Ditto with Horizon (which is also a pretty terrible RPG game in my opinion).
The Division doesn't have much of a story and is also open world with a bunch of side quests.
Thanks guys. God of War looks pretty awesome.
Brothers a Tale of 2 Sons looks interesting as well.

I think I am going to get her started with one of those then move on to the next. Probably Metro.

I believe she played one of the Tomb Raider games and finished it. She thought it was okay but nothing special.
We both tried to get in to Horizon Zero Dawn but... In my opinion the always foraging and having to shoot the metal dinosaurs just wasn't any fun. The Quest were confusing as well as we didn't know which ones we should or had to do. It just ended up being frustrating and not fun and the story really wasn't there.
Picked up Titanfall 2 for 4.99 or so on Amazon, not super long but enjoyed it for the cost.

Finally giving ME3 a try now, think it was 6 or 7$ on Origin, other than a few graphic glitches I am enjoying the game. Just at the point where I got my ship so it’s really early in game.
We both tried to get in to Horizon Zero Dawn but... In my opinion the always foraging and having to shoot the metal dinosaurs just wasn't any fun. The Quest were confusing as well as we didn't know which ones we should or had to do. It just ended up being frustrating and not fun and the story really wasn't there.

Imo there were not that many side quests in HZD compared to games like the witcher 3, I had great fun with the fights but for the last boss I did have to drop the difficulty as that was insane imo, I did replay the game a 2nd time on the easy difficulty and that required a bit less foraging, even though it is not that bad if you do it a bit every now and then.
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The first "Outlast" is fricking amazing. There's no real combat it's mostly running for your life and puzzle solving. Buyer be beware it's pretty scary.
You could also give Amnesia: The Dark Descent a try. It's got a lot of action (but not really the 'kill everything' type of action) and a decent story (coming of age tale - sorta).

Make sure you turn the lights off and turn up the volume, game's very atmospheric and plays best with mood lighting.
Dragon Age 2 and maybe 3. Much simpler than 1 (Origins) and more stream lined and actiony. Should be right up your wifey's alley.
I still haven't purchased a game for her but will within the next few days. She just finished the entire Uncharted series again.

Any thoughts on Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 for the PS4? She Looooves Disney but, not sure there is much of a story there. With Kingdom Hearts 3 coming out next week I though, all 3 might keep her happy for a while.
Mirror's Edge, maybe? The story is pretty straight line, from what I remember. And not too much side-questing clutter on the map, as I recall.
I still haven't purchased a game for her but will within the next few days. She just finished the entire Uncharted series again.

Any thoughts on Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 for the PS4? She Looooves Disney but, not sure there is much of a story there. With Kingdom Hearts 3 coming out next week I though, all 3 might keep her happy for a while.
They are great games. The story is pretty complicated. They will keep her busy for a while.
I haven't played it yet since it's not on PC, but I heard Red Dead Redemption 2 is pretty good.
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Compared quite a bit to Uncharted, Its slightly older but its available on PC and digitally I think on xbox one(Id have to go look). Very pretty action and adventure game.


"McElroy praised Garland's writing, and compared it favorably to Uncharted 2: Among Thieves."

The Portal Games are also quite good if an atmospheric story is what youre after, Dishonored, Dead Space 1-2. Strictly speaking story heavy action games.

If shes willing to try indie and not so action heavy theres LIMBO, OXENFREE and INSIDE.

I really want to recommend OUTLAST which a strictly action and story game, but it can be shit your pants terrifying. Would not recommend to anyone who panics easily.

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May not be what you want but I did enjoy The Wolf among us. Thought it had a good story and a good twist on Fairy Tales.
Same thing with Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Minus the fairy tale part. lol (Which i'd LOVE to see a new one or a reboot but chances of that are extremely low)
Dragon's Dogma is good if you like RPG stuff, but the story isn't the most original imho.
May not be what you want but I did enjoy The Wolf among us. Thought it had a good story and a good twist on Fairy Tales.
Same thing with Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Minus the fairy tale part. lol (Which i'd LOVE to see a new one or a reboot but chances of that are extremely low)
Dragon's Dogma is good if you like RPG stuff, but the story isn't the most original imho.

I loved Wolf Among Us so much I read the entire comic book series it is based on.
There's not as much combat, but Mirror's Edge has the adventury running and such. Otherwise, Tomb Raider for sure.
Wow.. I absolutely loved Horizon Zero Dawn and dunno how you wouldn't like the story of you like anything Sci-Fi like Mass Effect (different setting of course, but futuristic tech mixed with primitive tech is cool too IMO). It was probably my favorite game of 2017.

God of War should definitely be next though. But I'll definitely second Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. That game completely surprised me and you'll definitely love it if you loved the Uncharted series as much as I do as well.

To recommend another great PS4 exclusive that hasn't been mentioned yet: Until Dawn. It's kind of a "Pick your story path" (like Bandersnatch), but its horror/suspense setting is pretty unique in the game realm, as it plays a lot in common horror movie tropes I'm the same genre.

Also, Detroit: Become Human (another PS4 exclusive.. Sony has dominated my game time the past couple years now and deservedly so).
KH is a good series, especially if your a Disney or Final Fantasy nut. I'll probably pick it up if I can catch a sale.

My vote would also go to Horizon Zero Dawn - just a fantastic game all around.

Mass Effect fans would probably like Dragon Age (see it on sale all the time for <$10), and also SWTOR on the PC (the MMO - it's F2P to start with sub options)
Just wanted to update you guys. From this thread we picked God of War and OMG, what an AMAZING Game! Both my wife and I are loving it. Just wanted to give a big thank you!

This has been OUR game to play together. I am going to pick something else from this thread for her to play when I am at work.