i know this is in 2 forums but i need help badly.


Jul 8, 2004
i just put my new comp together
specs are:
amd 2500+ mobile
abit nf7-s
512 corsair pc3200
WD SATA 80gb
lite on combo drive
random vid card
second hdd is an old seagate 60gb

im having a bunch of problems. when the comp turns on it doesnt recognize the cpu and it says it runs at 600mhz. it says to press f1 to continue or DEL to go to the set up.
i put the windows CD in the CD drive and the comp just goes and recognizes all the drives and then tries to do something with the DMI something.. and then just never does anything else? does anyone know whats wrong? the mobo came with a floppy disk for the SATA drivers and a driver CD for the mobo. do i need to put those in first? do i need to put the windows CD in first? what do i need to do to get this comp set up??? im really frustrated right now and im a pretty big n00b when it comes to this stuff. please help me.
dirty_dan said:
i just put my new comp together
specs are:
amd 2500+ mobile
abit nf7-s
512 corsair pc3200
WD SATA 80gb
lite on combo drive
random vid card
second hdd is an old seagate 60gb

im having a bunch of problems. when the comp turns on it doesnt recognize the cpu and it says it runs at 600mhz. it says to press f1 to continue or DEL to go to the set up.
Of course it does, you just fired it up! You have to setup the CPU in the BIOS! Go into the BIOS and configure the multipliers and bus speeds needed to run it at spec (until Windows is installed).. That's gonna be your first step bro! :)

EDIT: And if you don't know what your specs are, just set it to 11x200 and you should be ok, almost all Bartons will run that just fine.
You are going to have to set the cpu speed in the bios (multiplier and fsb). Setup your cd-rom to be the first boot device.

When windows (guessing xp) is setting up at some point it will say press something to install scsi adapters or whatever. When this happens press what it says, shortly after it will ask you to put in a floppy and then press enter. (Been a while since i have done this). Put in your sata floppy driver and it will load the drivers, and it should find your harddisk.
ok i changed to 200x10 for 2ghz but it asks if it wants me to save the settings. do i???also what order to i put the boot order in besides the CDROM first? i put sata second then floppy is that bad? thanks.
yeah if you ever want your settings to say where they are you always save em, just like in a word doc or anything else. Everything after the cd rom isn't important until you get xp installed, once its installed you just move the cd rom down the list and put SATA 1st. Looks like a decent rig, lots of potential for free mhz :)
i usually make my computer ide0 only
then if i want to boot from a cd.. i go into bios and make it cdrom.. etc... you can put boot devices in any order you want...