i got my prescott in...mobo doesn't support it


Mar 27, 2003
awwww.... :(
stuipd early revision of the d875pbz

now i gotta wait for another mobo to come in.
i was so excited to get my 3.4prescott yesterday, only to findout that my board wasn't up to spec. i need the newer AA# version.

which mobo should i go for instead? i looking for stability, and don't care so much about o/c. i guess i could go for another d875pbz (the AA# version)
i sourced the prescott from somebody at intel.

the max3 will work, i am considering that board also
ok i will take a pic when i get home from work today.
is there any particular kind of pic u want?

box p/n? top view? bottom view? what?
Not like it will be faster than what is already out so who cares?